Jan 3, 2023Liked by No College Mandates

It’s challenging to guide my senior, as acceptances are coming in. Hard to consider anything in the NE (NJ, NY, MA, DE)

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by No College Mandates

Those places proved themselves to be anti-scientific and therefore anti-intellectual during the covid era. It should be easy to strike them off any list, regardless of the brand they tout.

The bigger worry should be those places which were forced by governors to not implement any mandates.

One can not know if these places are bastions of anti-science and the only reason they were more scientific was because they were forced to be due to politics or more likely an unwillingness of the state citizens to "follow the science". Following the science is ironically one of the most anti-scientific things one can do.

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Ask for exemption! Religious is fine. Any religion. Stress that your religion doesn’t permit you to be forced to be jabbed. Stress that you’ll do everything else to protect the community. No need to explain that vaccines don’t protect from transmission.

In parallel, as a parent protest to these vampires who make more money from pharma and co than they do from student fees.

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Why? Better to just avoid any of this rigamarole. It's not just vaccines but extreme measures which are tied to schools that mandate vaccines. Any who still mandate vaccines are far more likely to bring back other measures such as weekly testing, masks etc.

These measures are harmful to young people who are at college to learn not to cosplay living through a deadly plague in a quarantine camp for what amounts to a virus with the deadliness of the seasonal flu. It's actually less deadly for people under 50 and now about as deadly for those over 50.

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Tell me about it...we live in NH and had always thought she'd be going somewhere within driving distance...now it's most likely somewhere south by plane which I'm not crazy about. I don't want to support any school that's still mandating. She's gone this far with no shot and don't want her pressured and give in when she turns 18.

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What about UNH, or does she def want out of state?

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She's applied to UNH and would love her to go there but she wants adventure...somewhere different. URI is another one that I'm hoping for.

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I understand. We live in NJ. Waiting for UNH, amongst others. In at URI, but she’s not feeling it

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Jan 3, 2023Liked by No College Mandates

Great info. I forwarded the study to Fordham U & told them to STOP THE BOOSTER MANDATE. Again. And again.

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Thank you for your work. We have a duty to preserve our young people from forced experimentation.

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"college mandates are no longer justified"???

They never were justified!

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With 24 year old Damar Hamlin collapsing on the field last night and a 28 year old father, husband, teacher and coach in our sons' youth club dying suddenly yesterday, the mandates need to stop. I appreciate Dr Marine's information but is anyone at Johns Hopkins or other prestigious universities paying attention? Is their payout from the pharmaceutical companies so great they do not care if they kill their students?!?!?

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This is a good article and outlines the issues with the mRNA vaccines very well.

However, in my mind, even if the vaccines were effective, which they are not, and even if they were perfectly safe, which they definitely are not. the mandates are immoral. Just read the Nuremburg code and ask yourself if informed consent is being allowed. If we can be forced to take an experimental medical product against our will, for any reason, then we are not citizens, we are not even subject, nor slaves. We are livestock. Do we need to fight another world war to finally learn this lesson?

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Jan 4, 2023Liked by No College Mandates

My daughter goes to the University of Mississippi (Ole Miss)- no mandates

My son goes to Murray State University - no mandates

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Great post with tons of data! Thank you!!!

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This part is incorrect:

which indicate that COVID-19 vaccine mandates are no longer justified for college students.

Sorry but they were never justified.

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The shots are a bio weapon period. Anyone who has the audacity to say that there is any benefit to these vehicles of death and disability is not helping.

Send these administrators at the colleges a copy of Ed Dowd’s book and the long list of stories of athletes including the 16 year old hockey player from Canada that died of a blood clot after getting the vaccine. And how about the mystery illness of the Michigan hockey team where one of the players almost died and was in ICU. They mandates the bio weapon. We have enough examples. We need to start calling out anyone that says the bio weapons are anything but harmful.

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Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

I appreciate all the work you've done but this report is very misleading. The shots do not provide anything but harm. How many people have to drop dead or have to become maimed befor you are able to get out of your denial and admit this? Every paper that claims to have "isolated" a virus has done nothing of the sort. They took a sample, put it in a petri dish, and added so many chemicals to it until is started to break down and said it was the virus. There is NO virus. The PCR is based on a computer generated genetic sequence. They used it to create "cases". All the "pictures " you see of this thing is an artist's rendering. People get sick for all sorts of reasons not one reason! When the test showed positive covid, people panicked. Of course, the media put everyone in panic mode. Then, even more criminal, hospitals did not treat and what was a curable condition, worsened to bacterial pneumonia. People were put on vents where they ultimately died.

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I’m sick to my stomach from all this for the last 2+ years. Watched my elderly neighbor die from cancer within days of her diagnosis after her booster. Was perfectly fine at her last Dr visit. My SIL suffered brain seizures and kidney issues after her booster. The hospital put her on a ventilator for 5 days as we sat bedside and questioned every dr and nurse. She was eventually taken off the vent and spent another 10 days in ICU with memory issues. My friends husband now has colon cancer and is on chemo after his booster also healthy prior. I can go on and on. Praying every day more colleges, Drs, hospitals, politicians, scientists, whistle blowers etc wake up and speak up! The $cience clearly shows now big Farma knew early on these jabs are dangerous!

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I am very sorry to hear about your neighbor and SIL and have experienced the same. Family member is now very ill but not even connecting the shot and booster with her illness. Friends in poor health, young coworkers too. Yes pharma knew and the deaths were included in their documents but not disclosed. These were not controlled by pharma, but the dod and hhs. This was planned. Every batch is different and they know where the batches are dispatched. The web of lies is so deep who knows if we will ever know the truth. All planned. How quickly we gave up our rights. Agreed to lock down like prisoners, stop the economy, mask ourselves and our young children, while they did nothing of the sort. Businesses lost forever. Our college children, young and healthy, forced to comply. Many accepted it. Doing it for others. Doing it to stay in their dream school. I see now that these are institutions of evil indoctrination. I will never, ever forget what my child's university did. NEVER. God give us strength to fight.

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Thank you and I agree with you 100%! The colleges (and other institutions) have lost all my respect and I pray everyday for all the young adults at these institutions, my daughter has one semester left🙏, as I will never donate one penny to them ever again as they no longer are about the students. The indoctrination is bad and I saw it coming 3 years ago as my oldest was graduating and complaining how awful the experience was for him :(

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Huge news that should be highlighted for other universities to follow suit.


University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign dropped their vax mandate.

Never should have started a mandate for an experimental drug in the first place.

Who's next?

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How likely is it that k-12 schools adopt mandates? Given the recent federal advisory committee recommendation to add the COVID vaccines to the CDC child and adolescent schedule, that could happen.

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