This makes me so angry. They are destroying the next generation.

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My question: Why are so many parents determined to spend tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars (debt that will take a working lifetime to re-pay) to let these fools educate their children?

I guess the football games and keg parties are fun and you might make some good contacts or maybe meet your future spouse, but still ....

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Everyone thinks it will never happen again so they go along with daily lives as if it's "over" but as you well know once our freedoms are given up, we can get them back again.

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What puzzles me is that more people don't understand that if the same obtuse or sociopathic "leaders" remain in positions of leadership, we'll keep getting more of the same ... or worse.

We've got to have some kind of great purge ... to save ourselves (or our children and grandchildren).

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Because they think there is absolutely nothing wrong with these shots. They honestly don’t believe there’s anything wrong with them. Nor is there anything wrong with telling people to take them to protect other people. Because they believe that lie! The CDC Dr. Fauci the TV everybody else and Harvard says and all the big time hospitals say it’s fine so it is!! This is what I am surrounded by constantly.

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I think some - maybe many - people and experts might think there's "nothing wrong with these shots." However, I think a bigger percentage than I want to think about probably knows there is definitely or likely something wrong and dangerous about these shots ... and they keep pushing them on people who don't need them. That's what's really scary.

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First, let me say that I am 100% against the clot shot and these mandates. However, in response to your question, Bill: my soon-to-be College student is 18 years old and therefore an adult. As such, she has personal agency. Our bizarre belief that parents dictate (or should be allowed to dictate) what our adult children do does not help us, imo.

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But they are being lied to. Do you want your kid to just believe a lie and not do anything about it ?? Choices are one thing. But making choices based on lies or incorrect information is an entirely different thing. So as a parent, you should absolutely want to make sure your kids understand that these are lies!!

They can’t make an informed decision if they are prevented from seeing the real data!

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Completely agree. Just making the point that in the end it’s the adult child that needs to be convinced rather than just their parent. That’s the Gordian knot here.

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I know, and I’m in a terrible situation where two years ago my 16-year-old was not convinced my me, but was convinced by his dad that it was totally fine to take it for a private school. AGAINST my begging and pleading my husband. It destroyed our marriage and our family in the process. Because he doesn’t recognize that he has violated my values and everything I stand for so my family is just ripped apart.

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Very sorry to hear that. An other unquantifiable but massive consequence of this debacle.

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Good point. All the 18-year-old adults want to go to college. I have a 12-year-old daughter who is already excited about going to college.

So, maybe more parents should recognize that "college" is over-rated (and going to college for four or five years might actually harm your future prospects) ... but, also, more students need to figure this out on their own. I think this is actually starting to happen with more parents and students.

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Who is paying for the “education” should get to decide imo. My daughter of course wanted to do what her friends were doing as they were mandated to get the jab or no college. We said against our dead body! She would not have received one cent. She could go to school on line or where it wasn’t mandated like down south or wait a year or two to see what happens. Those were her choices. She got an exemption. Still mad they had to ask for an exemption and wear a mask and weekly test. So sickening and definitely not science based, any of it. :(

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Be a parent, not a fool🤡

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The bizarre belief is that you should stop caring about what happens your children as soon as they turn 18, that you would willingly have your money used to fund their corruption.

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I tried to fight but then both my kids got religious exemptions on the strangest justifications. Their Ivy on the West silently approved. Not all students are sheep but those who question the narrative rarely raise their voices

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Sadly, the very large majority are sheep. The social pressure to keep silent about their beliefs lies at the heart of the problem in higher education. This is not new unfortunately. It is time to reconsider whether the investment in higher education is worth it, and in fact many of our followers are doing just that.

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When I was in school, I was encouraged to question everything - or, at least, I wasn't punished if I did this. I was also once a salaried journalist. Once upon a time, journalists were taught to question everything - especially officials with great power. We know no mainstream journalists do this anymore. In fact, doing so is a career killer.

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No one really believes the college mandates promote health. Their purpose is to weed out the ideologically undesirable from elite institutions, especially from medicine.

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For sure it weeds from medical schools where the requirement is likely strongly enforced. If you're an enrolling freshman then this opaque system of who will grant exemptions will force suboptimal decisions.

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Strangest justifications? What does that mean? The presumption of a religious exemption is that your objection makes no objective sense, it is a matter of faith. Religions are irrational. That said, I have devised answers to the religious exemption form that will work for any honest person of any religion -- or no religion! Let me know what you think!


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A-plus ... as usual.

Of course, your faculty member would give you an F on this paper and recommend that you be kicked out of college for writing such dangerous misinformation.

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Thank you and yes, I would immediately be disenrolled for pointing out what I have.

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The choice is do I want to go to an "elite" college or do I want to take care of my health. College kids are technically grown ups but their parents, peers, and media have a lot of influence over them and sometimes they do need to be protected from the evils of the world just as we all do at times. I just don't understand why so many supposedly intelligent people have fallen for the media's line of crap. We are talking about survival this isn't cub scout stuff. Health should be the number 1 priority, not bragging rights about going to an ivy league school. The Mandates have proven to be unhealthy over and over again. Yet they still push this crime against humanity. Being vaccine injured must be torture. If I was an employer and someone told me they dropped out of school because of the mandates I would shake their hand.

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I will never ever be over this. My entire family has been ripped apart and shattered by this situation and these lies. My life will never be the same. In any aspect.

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I have 3 kids. My daughter is the middle child and has the ambition and work ethic like no one else! Her goal since she was little was to get into Harvard (She saw that school as the top of the ivy’s so that’s where she set her sights). She is also a conservative. She evolved into one as she critically examined the world, especially during COVID. She of course thought I was a lunatic most of the time. She knew she might have to give up her dreams if the vaccine were to still be mandated and took it in stride joking she we would join a sorority and go to Miami and hang on the beach. What the Ivy’s represent is a goal for people like my daughter who work hard and dream big!

I was able to get my oldest son a medical exemption for his college early because I saw the writing on the wall. I told him just to be cool and fly under the radar. No issues, no testing, no BS. I however was fired from my hospital job (no exemptions) but managed a medical exemption for my college teaching position.

My daughter did not get into Harvard (thank God) but she did get into an Ivy, and the one I’m happy about and was hoping for. No mandates. She will be a conservative minority and that’s a good thing. We cannot totally demonize higher learning in the same way we cannot demonize the trades. We need to improve upon both because I believe there is a place for both.

Right now the “Umbridges” of the world seem to be in charge of the colleges, and we need to reinstate the “Dumbledores” sorry for the Harry Potter reference but it’s all I have on this Sunday morning 😂.

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My son is at Dartmouth (historically much more accepting of conservative viewpoints) The social pressure to conform to a particular ideology is not as prevalent. They have a strong Republican club and Libertarian club and while students separate themselves into like-minded camps, I find that everyone has a place to fit in there. He is trying to open their minds from the inside - easier to do once you are there and have gained their trust. I love the Harry Potter analogy. :)

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Yes, Dartmouth same here!

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I would be happy to connect her with my son who is a junior. Feel free to email me at info@nocollegemandates.com. He'd be happy to talk to her and meet her once she gets to campus. Congratulations to her!!!

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Thanks so much, I’ll let her know! ❤️

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Thank you for your work! I was raised to question authority .Figure out things.We are raising sheep! Thank you again for caring!

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I was born and raised to question everything just like you! The conformity is beyond disturbing - it is downright frightening.

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This is no longer about stopping the transmission (vaccines don’t), it’s about countering the anti-vaccine movement. In being so non scientific and dogmatic these universities and the movement writ large are actually worsening people’s views on vaccines.

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These colleges are all controlled and influenced by the ACHA which is a left wing, anti American, LGBTQ +++ racist organization. I researched them for weeks and saw the classes they give for their members and who sponsors them. Totally woke organization whose members are our kids nurses, counselors, teachers and healthcare admin. They are totally pro ALL jabs and NO exemptions.

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You are wonderful, Ms. Sinatra and No College Mandates, and I fully support you (in spirit if not in money). Thank You!! And I was thrilled to learn just now that your next target is ALL college immunization mandates.

The reason I'm here (I got here months after the fact via the Bill Rice post on Brownstone, but anyway…) is because somehow an error in fact in your report herein has managed to stand all this time and even be requoted/referenced. Per this from your article:


Prior to fall 2021, to help ensure a high uptake of Covid vaccines, Jerome Adams, the Surgeon General at the time, wrote an "Open Letter to Leaders in Higher Education" urging them to mandate Covid vaccines on college campuses.


Best I can tell, that (HORRIBLE IN EVERY RESPECT!) letter was issued August 22, 2021 (per the "document properties" and the context of the impending Fall 2021 school openings). That weirdo Jerome Adams was NOT Surgeon General at that time. Adams was S.G. under Trump (NOT under Biden).

Jerome Adams is a menace to society (and a midwit) whether or not he was S.G. when that letter was concocted, but the error in your article is still an error. Perhaps you can make the correction/update herein (though I realize it may be too much (undoable/not viable/not worth it) to endeavor to correct the boo-boo everywhere it has appeared). NOTE: I did scan the comments at various related posts and herein and didn't see that anyone else has mentioned the mistake.

P.S. Thank You for sharing that letter which I was previously unaware of. And, again, THANK YOU for everything else you do. I am humble in your presence.

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Why is nobody suing these schools? What about class action? Are we waiting for a favorable environment in the courts? While kids die. There must be consequences.

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It’s unconscionable that Rutgers is still mandating this. Anyone injured by this mandate should sue the university into the ground. And I say this as an RU graduate. Despicable and evil.

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I could not agree more. A few students have died "suddenly and unexpectedly". There is at least one lawsuit against Rutgers and I hope justice will prevail so it leads to many more.

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Thanks for the thoughtful reply, Bill. I’ve made that argument to mine but in the end it’s their life, liberty and decision.

(Btw, thanks for your excellent Substack!)

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