Jun 26Liked by No College Mandates

Thank you for sharing your story. We need more of these to keep the covid trauma out of the memory hole.

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Thanks to Anonymous for sharing this standout Kafka-esque experience. (What booster is the cheery Ms. Cohen of the CDC urging us to get now, number 10?) With the mandates on students and faculty for this injectable shale I lost all respect for such universities. That would include my own alma mater, from which I earned 2 degrees, and to which I used to donate money. They will not see one red cent from me ever again. I now think the kids who take boosters in order to attend are... I won't say it. But you can guess. Look, if you have your health, that's more important than any degree, ever and always.

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Jun 26Liked by No College Mandates

My child is facing similar challenges. She is searching for a nursing program in Arizona that allows clinicals without vaccine mandates. Even dental hygienist programs have these requirements. She has a permanent medical exemption due to being vaccine injured from childhood vaccines, but schools still can't guarantee she'll be able to complete clinicals. It's incredibly frustrating.

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Grand Canyon? It’s worth asking

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Yes, she will be contacting them but not sure how much control they have over where the students do their clinicals. Will definitely ask.

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Your 20s have not been wasted. You are getting an invaluable education, albeit the hard way!

Yes, DEI is hugely problematic and US campuses are awash in it.

I have written a few posts about this in particular how it relates to gender/gender identity.


Speech programs today are going over the deep end for gender affirmation speech therapy.

Here is one example: https://cahs.uc.edu/about/departments-schools/communication-sciences-and-disorders/speech-and-hearing-clinic/gender.html

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Jun 26Liked by No College Mandates

Biola University has never required the shots and has an excellent SLP degree.

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Jun 26Liked by No College Mandates

Mandated covid injections in order to participate in clinicals ended in tragedy for 21 yr old nursing student Regan Lewis who died within 24 hours of getting her covid injection. How can schools continue to mandate such horrific potential harm for a completely ineffective injection? Medical and nursing schools, ABOVE ALL, should be ashamed to parade their ignorance and callous indifference.

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Jun 26Liked by No College Mandates

I too faced similar road blocks to continuing my graduate studies. I am hopeful to begin a MS program in 2025 with ambition for a subsequent PhD. My studies were terminated in an obtuse fashion which made it impossible for me to continue after I refused to take the COVID modRNA money ( I refuse to call it a vaccine). Now after learning that these requirements were dropped by the university of my choice, I am dismayed to learn of your difficulties at the hand of bureaucratic gerrymandering. I will proceed with caution but I acknowledge I may need to wait for successful lawsuits that will stop this occult obstruction epidemic in schools.

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Jun 26Liked by No College Mandates

I think in the future these jobs should be taught on the job with home study.

Why do we need colleges when half the engineers I meet at work know little to nothing about the real world?

Oh right..... $$$$

Meanwhile back in Soviet Russia, my friend's father became a nuclear engineer by working at a nuclear plant and taking courses at night. And no, it didn't take a decade like it would here in night school.


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You got punked by the political gangstas.

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They decided you were a troublemaker, and if it wasn't one thing it would be another with you.

Unfair? Yes. But that's the world we live in.

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One of my proudest achievements in three decades working as a bureaucratic minion for the University of California system was to assist an attorney who was handling the case of several students who were purged from several UC campuses due to its mRNA gene therapy mandate. While the courts refused to hear their case, thanks to our efforts we got an inside view of the tyrannical mindset and the egregious financial conflicts-of-interest that drove the imposition of UC's mandate, and were able to forward the information we discovered to where it appears to have done some good.

What I found especially heart-breaking was to read hundreds of letters from students, parents, and alumni passionately objecting to the proposed policy versus just a single letter in support of a stricter policy, the latter being jointly signed by the Deans of UCLA--the one campus that Fauci's NIAID just happened to dump hundreds of millions of COVID research funding dollars on, including money for clinical trials of his Moderna mRNA gene therapy. The hundreds of letters counted for nothing in the internal chatter among the policy-making bureaucrats, but of course UCLA's demands were incorporated into the final systemwide policy.

The only thing worse than this was to read about the students whose academic ambitions were crushed by the policy; the courage of these and other mandate resisters around the country in the face of such injustices needs to be publicized and celebrated. I hope more victims of these policies can step forward to teach the rest of us about standing up to evil.

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Your best bet is to get involved in local politics, the only way to make real change. This DEI bs has to go and only red states are doing anything about it.

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You are an amazing person to emulate with your positivity, hard work, and perseverance to get what you wanted!!! I’m so sorry you had to go through this!

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