Fourthly, the goal of a university ought to be to empower its students with the intellectual skills to enable them to make such medical decisions for themselves, not deny non-conformists an education on the grounds that students can't be trusted with adult responsibilities.

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Thank you Dr. Baker!

Brief edit

It should state SCU is and outlier


SCU and outlier

Thank you so much for your advocacy. I heard you speak with Lucia Sinatra on Shannon Joy’s Show today and appreciated your calm insights.

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Thank you so much to all the warriors in this fight for our adolescents!

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Praise God for this man willing to put himself on the line to save others.

That's really where we are at this time in history in our country and the world.

Either we ALL are willing to stand up for what we believe or these globalist demons will murder the majority of the human race.

They are Lucerferian worshippers, Satan worshippers and hold $$$ and power as their highest goal.

Let us all do everything we can to let others know we all need to step up and STAND against the Devil himself who's operating through these people.

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If you are still in the dark about getting a jab to go to college, maybe you should get it.

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