I'm glad they're going after this blatant bait and switch scam.

Hopefully, it prevents them from doing it in the future and employers should realize that there were no fully approved shots available even to this day!

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Thanks for re-publishing this story. It is very important if, by some miracle, justice is served. It could open the floodgates to tens of thousands of other similar lawsuits.

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It's not going to prevent the Global Elites from doing it in the future, they've already told us that another one, far worse (as if could possibly be more benign, nonethelss, "one that will get our attention,") is forthcoming.

Anyone not understanding that it was deliberate needs to spend some time researching it. It's fully known in the same manner that it's fully known that Bldg. 7 didn't bring itself down with Larry Silverstein explaining that it was deliberate.

But we're so married to our own world-views that we can't see out of the forest of propaganda lies to be able to see the clearing.

Why would anything prevent them from doing it again in the future when THIS is what they do. Short answer, it won't.

Employers, like most everyone else, were greedy swine accepting money to push these, blackmailed in one or more forms, or simply cowards. But that's what happens when doing right takes a back seat to being popular.

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I pray they are successful, & many many more follow. It’s only right.

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Good for this family, I hope they sue the heck out of the DOD and the other agencies that were involved in this horrific unethical death sentence to humanity, Nuremberg code 2

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"Just Following Orders" did FAR more harm than any individual entity. Pols, Doctors (our "trusted" doctors), and "trusted" nurses, and so many more, were all complicit and could technically be sued. They seemed pretty happy about it and collecting the cash that came with it too if their choreographed death dances mean much.

The primary issue before us should be trying to prevent what their next phase is. This one's over, it's done its job. Most of the info on how harmful the injections were was known well in advance for those looking. Alas, those with their fingers in their ears screaming "SCIENCE!!!" at everyone are now paying the price for their gullibility. Sad, but that's just the way it is. Perhaps not trusting the untrustworthy from the onset is a better plan.

And what, Neil Ferguson's big bad warning and prediction is now what, the fifth one that never left the launching pad. I mean golly gee, who would have known that the fifth try at lying about a pandemic would also fizzle out too. Meh, I suppose one of these days he'll be right. SMH

Lawsuits aren't going to bring anyone back nor are they going to correct the long-term problem, namely who's really behind it all. The PREP Act came out at the onset of PSYOP19. Gee, how coincidental. But the "SCIENCE!!!" people with their fingers in their ears were too smart for those of us that tried to warn them. Obviously wasn't smart in hindsight, ... but how could anyone have known. (extreme sarcasm) SMH I mean honestly, just before releasing something to the public, the "releasers" indemnify themselves across the board, ... yeah, nothing to see there, is there. "SCIENCE!!!"

"Just Following Orders" because we're all too cowardly to be brave is what has doomed us here.

People had better start looking at what's coming next or the shock and awe of that will send us to our societal destruction.

The entire CBDC thing is going to be interesting, ... how many people voluntarily buy in up front. I suspect that it'll be the same people that screamed "SCIENCE!!!" the loudest, of those that are still living that is.

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I wish them luck but I thought you signed your rights away when taking this sludge? Was not easy to stand my ground last year when my healthy daughter was forced into quarantine numerous times for being unvaccinated and “exposed” to Covid at school. Thank god I never waivered

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