Yes awesome glad to hear! Well past time, and thank you for keeping the pressure on.

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I say the same!

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You're awesome Transcriber B. Loved your collection of memes btw excellent collection

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Thank you for your kind words

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Shared! Thank you for all you do!

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Only thing less effective than our legal system is our medical system.

It makes sense though! Both are full of parasites who have no idea what the truth is and prefer to keep milking bullshit.

That's why the courts take forever... It's all a grift to delay delay delay..

Imagine if your job were allowed to do this with things or clients!

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Hope it stands.

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A day late and a dollar short

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NONE of these schools have a right to tell you what to put in your body, or how to live. People have become slaves to authority. And THAT is the real problem. When every person understands this, things will change.

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I wish they would strike it down for everyone, not just for people who had a religious objection.

I didn't see any mention of it in this article, but Vinay Prasad wrote about the case in his substack and pointed out that "The university decided that no Roman Catholics could have a religious objection to any vaccination." It's no wonder the Thomas More Society went after the university.

The text of the ruling says that the university decided that it was "morally acceptable" for Catholics to take the Covid-19 vaccine. Was that because of this pathetic Pope we currently have who forced this junk on the Swiss Guard?

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In order to "win" such lawsuits, claims must be narrowly tailored or they will get dismissed. We need MANY more such lawsuits in MANY more states to get to a ruling that rejecting ANY exemption is "unconstitutional" or coercing people to take a novel medical treatment is "unconstitutional". One step at a time - a victory is a victory - we must celebrate the wins!

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Sadly, common sense is not common in the legal world. It's the world of the crazy upside down legalese thinking.

I read that language can change thinking, and legalese, like medical jargon keeps them stuck from seeing the plain logic! No wonder they need so many words to describe the same exact thing 😂

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🤣…an utter JOKE.

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