Oct 31, 2022Liked by No College Mandates

While I have heard thousands of stories just like this and it pains me to read or listen to each and every one, I am so glad more parents and students are starting to ask questions, stand up for their beliefs, and fight for their rights!

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022Liked by No College Mandates

Vaccination is a religion. Just a little effort reveals a trove of information and evidence that vaccines are poison. One must stray off the legacy media pharma-captured path to find it. And then the are the mRNA gene altering clot shots with no long term effects known. But the short term does have a lot of people dying suddenly. Just recently, and close to home for me, a student in Brattleboro, VT, another victim. It’s all hiding in plain sight.

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Amen, John!

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by No College Mandates

I signed the Fordham petition as a physician against mandates. I would like to add that one facet of religious exemption I don't often hear is that blind allegiance to the government is "the mark of the beast". Keep fighting.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022


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Oct 31, 2022Liked by No College Mandates

The Jesuits have sold their soul to Pharma along with the rest of the alphabet criminals- CDC, FDA, NIH. Pull your children from these schools immediately. They can surely get another education at a non-vax requiring institution, but they can not get their good health or life back once lost to these toxic gene therapies.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022


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Most of Americanized "christianity," not to be confused with true New Testament teachings of Christ, Paul, etc., sold their souls to the owners of the 501c(3) designations that they're ultimately accountable too. They made their choices as "churches," they sold out to Caesar, not God.

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Minor victory here, but we'll take what we can get (& fight for) in Calipharmia. Skyline Jr. College near San Francisco no longer requires the mRNA injections.

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Interesting. It's true for the whole district which means College of San Mateo and Canada also.

Los Rios in Sacramento also got rid of the Covid restrictions (they feature a photo of a student removing her mask!).

I hope City College of SF gets rid of it. I've been taking on-line classes but I might take something in person.....if they also get rid of the infernal mask requirement.

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Nov 1, 2022Liked by No College Mandates

I reluctantly took the first Pfizer shot because family members were going to disinvite me to family functions; my Mom was so worried about my refusal and it was putting a major strain on her. So I caved. I had a stroke 3 months later; the neurologist scoffed at the idea that my problem was caused by the blessed needle.

Anyone pushing this shit shot are monstrous people poisoning students for ego under the guise of "the greater good", is a charlatan! When they started censoring dissenting voices, I knew it was another pharma campaign for stockholders, and not for the sake of us. They're still pushing this new booster in Canada because the profits have blinded politicians and the media has terrified the population with their curated bullshit!

People are starting to rebel against this weird authoritarianism and that, I am hopeful for.

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CDC Director now has “Covid-19” again after her 5th jab. These people will never wake up, it’s like a religious cooties cult. I hope Fordham U gets sued big time. They are breaking the law with not allowing religious exemptions and are not following $cience.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by No College Mandates

The Jesuits are Evil!

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You gave an inch, they take a mile.

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I am 54 and considering going back to school for master's in social work. I figured I would do an online program since I will not be vaccinated. I will need to do field placements and was very concerned that a lot of those would require vax. So I started calling schools and asking if they would be able to find me field placement as I am not covid jabbed. SUNY Buffalo and Yeshiva were very helpful and non judgmental about my vax status. Their field placement offices both spoke with me and assured me that while it might be difficult to find placement, they would be happy to assist with it. I then called Fordham. I emailed and spoke with a few different people in admissions and field placement. They were aghast that I wasn't vaccinated and I would describe them as downright hostile.

All that said, I am so sad that this young woman gave in and received the vax to attend Fordham. All these young people just don't see the bigger picture. It's their health forever. It won't matter what school they went to if their health declines. And if you can afford Fordham, you can afford to go somewhere else in the country that is not mandating. There are hundreds and hundreds of fantastic schools out there. It is all such a mess.

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Please find other wording to project a fiture outcome of these young people's lifes.

Revert to inner healing

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I do not understand. Could you please clarify.

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You are projecting a dark future for all people affected by these jabs.

You can also see it as the ultimate challenge : conquere your fear, stand eye to eye with your greatest opponent (the self).

And then find out that all things fold back onto your own belief system.

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You don't honestly see a positive future for those that were injected, do you?

Are you familiar with the abject LEGIONS of diseases, conditions, and even deaths that they are causing and will CONTINUE TO CAUSE?

I think a good wake-up call is necessary, given the outcome of the recent global Darwin Awards Competition is certainly appropriate, because buckle-up, anyone thinking that they're finished is a bigger fool than anyone that allowed themselves to become injected with these shots from the spawn of Satan.

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I’m so sorry this happened to your daughter. So many college students were coerced into getting these unnecessary potentially harmful shots. They won once so that gives them the impetus to keep requiring more. Money talks. Sue them for denying religious freedom

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I am so sorry ugh. My child is a 2021 and we had a hard time but the 2020 HS grad year had it worse. Just heartbreaking. I really feel for you guys. Meanwhile my youngest is applying now and EVERYONE I talk to is looking hard at COVID policies. Everyone up here is sending their kids South, not to New England or New Jersey/New York. These schools don't realize - word gets around.

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The 14 colleges of the SEC just accepted Pfizer's "blood money" and the company is now an official sponsor of the league. The SEC has partnered with Pfizer to "remind fans to get their updated boosters." This must also mean the SEC thinks their student athletes should get the booster.

We now know the only possible benefit of the shots is that it allegedly decrease the likelihood you will develop a "severe" case. But there has not been ONE "severe" case among an SEC student athlete in 33 months of the pandemic. So the shots protect against an outcome that has yet to be recorded.


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Great essay Bill. I love your Substack!

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Thank you. Back at you!

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The Jesuits have been a compromised group within the Church (and our Church isn’t much better these days I’m afraid) for decades. Your initial compliance got you nowhere. How many parents sent their students to be jailed and abused in the Fall of 2020 still boggles the mind. Nobody complaining from within while caving to these dangerous, mad demands have a leg to stand on. They have you. You lose. The only way to beat this is to walk away.

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the Jesuits literally invented "social justice." they are socialists, like it's not even a secret at all!

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022


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FAR worse!!!

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Oct 31, 2022·edited Oct 31, 2022

Good work! Would have been more effective if students protested and parents demanded their money back! Seriously. This is only a small part of the global take over.

And it has nothing to do with science or health concerns. Some faculty may know better but most are ignorant and just go along with mainstream news and cdc. California agreed to mandate all

Schools & hospitals to receive the money offered from specific gov. agencies. If they agreed to get the money (in the millions) they had to agree to enforce mandatory vxs. I got kicked out of college even though I was strictly online only and my religious exemption denied! Good luck & keep on trucking. I hope your daughter is safe from the harms.

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That won’t work. You have to leave. That’s all. Otherwise they have you.

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Nov 1, 2022·edited Nov 30, 2022


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In addition to the point from the letter quoted 1) the cdc says to treat vaxxed and unvaxxed the same (because data is now clear that against omicron, efficacy is moderate and wanes quickly against infection and thus transmission) and 2) the cdc was all over the fact finders last week to say loud and clear that they can not and are not mandating boosters- how many article were written last week about the misinformation that the cdc adding the vax to childhood routine schedules means it will be mandated (yes, technically the cdc can. Ot mandate but the point is, that many schools and camps still interpret as a mandate.

Finally - the most infuriating is that schools keep saying “because the cdc says so” yet ignores when the cdc on other points (eg per below quote, cdc acknowledgement that vax don’t reduce transmission (at least not in a meaningful and substantial way, and the cdc website does acknowledge natural

Immunity to some extent (even if not nearly enough)

“The CDC is only recommending the bivalent booster and not suggesting it become a requirement, and so we ask that Fordham take the same position. What is very concerning is Fordham’s relentless insistence that the COVID-19 vaccines reduce virus transmission when recent statements from the CDC definitively state otherwise. On August 5, 2021, CDC director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky publicly announced on CNN that “what [the COVID-19 vaccines] can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.” Why is Fordham dismissing this statement? What science does Fordham have that the CDC doesn’t have? On October 12, 2022, Insidehighered.com interviewed Bob Howe and he boldly proclaimed that there is “.. a significant body of evidence that the bivalent booster significantly reduces the risk of transmission.” This is completely contradictory to statements made by the director of the CDC.”

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