I’m sorry. “Nothing short of cruel” to require these students get themselves injected with this poison?! No, it’s worse than cruel; it is attempted murder. Everyone knows now of the contamination with the plasmid DNA. Everyone knows of the risk of young people getting peri or myocarditis which is neither “transient” nor “mild.” I’m going to make the assumption that these people forcing students to be injected with this poison can no longer claim ignorance to the dangers of these injections. The govt censors have been overridden and everyone knows all of this. They STILL want to see students injected? What I would guess is these monsters are in some sort of death cult.

It’s just so beyond cruel. Even if all the students at any one of those institutions protested, the schools wouldn’t care at all. They’d just pick another group of students who will comply.

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NO ONE knows this where I live! In the heart of the Ivory Tower in Boston these shots are presumed God's gift to medicine and the one true salvation. FAITH IN ANYTHING BUT THE GOVERNMENT OR YOUR DOCTOR BE DAMNED!!

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I’m beginning to think maybe these covidians are drugged?! So brainwashed. What the heck is going on?

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Alicia, I saw two people on my walk in nature with N95 masks on yesterday. Insane! These people are broken. There are many that are broken.

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That’s so sad. I see it here as well (Chicago). Mask mandates again in all healthcare facilities because--well, you know, it’s January and we have lots of respiratory illnesses at this time.

Broken is the perfect word. We’ve all been traumatized. As it was happening, I just couldn’t believe it all. And no signs of them stopping. I don’t recognize this country any longer. I’m sorry we are all going through this.

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Looking forward to college administrators being held accountable for mandating covid shots when they knew the danger.

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There are no reasons for these mandates except one: continued democide of the members of the medical profession. You forgot to mention that these shots have been proven harmful and deadly. The life insurance companies have posted 40% increases in all cause mortality since the jab rollout in 2021. In any normal society there would be an immediate halt and investigation of this horrific situation. But we get crickets. That tells us all we need to know about the truth of this matter.

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You have been stellar throughout the pandemic, and continue to do great work! Thank you.

Just a note: the federal health emergency ended May 11, 2023 (not 2022).

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Oh thank you for catching that typo. Will fix!

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It's complete insanity!!! Sadly , young adults I know are choosing not to continue their schooling for nursing just for that reason!!!!

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So true. It’s been insanity from the start. And these covidians will not stop.

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Those students should still refuse the shots. Better to drop out or get kicked out than take something that could kill them.

Basically, a no brainer

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Let the market forces sort it out.

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Hi, In Massachusetts we have bill H734 put forward by Rep Peter Durant that bans covid 19 vaccines as a right to entry. We have until Feb 7th in this bill cycle to move this forward to a committee and hopefully eventually to the floor for a vote.

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ALL healthcae workers in British Colombia MUST show proof of getting the mRNA inocculationin order to work in the system. We lost over 4,500 people... who either got FIRED... took early retirement... or moved away from here to work in Alberta & other places, that don't require it. It's criminal! Nuremberg 2.0 cannot come soon enough!

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So they can cave to the system (and the detriment of their own health) or they can grow a spine and stand up like those of us who already lost jobs, homes, friends, and family did.

If they acquiesce, we know who not to go to for medical care.

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The irony that upper education is still back in the times of dogma that has been already exposed.

"The evolutionary psychologist William von Hippel found that humans use large parts of thinking power to navigate social world rather than perform independent analysis and decision making. For most people it is the mechanism that, in case of doubt, will prevent one from thinking what is right if, in return, it endangers one’s social status. This phenomenon occurs more strongly the higher a person’s social status. Another factor is that the more educated and more theoretically intelligent a person is, the more their brain is adept at selling them the biggest nonsense as a reasonable idea, as long as it elevates their social status. The upper educated class tends to be more inclined than ordinary people to chase some intellectual boondoggle. "

-Sasha Latypova

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Face it, medicine is a religion, and vaccination is a sacrament. What they’re doing is equivalent to Catholic seminary expelling students who refuse to get baptized, or take communion.

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Then why would they be in the Catholic seminary?

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Most do not know that vaccination is actually a religious superstition masquerading as a medical treatment. Many attribute the practice of vaccination to the quack doctor Edward Jenner (1749-1823). The very word vaccine is from the Latin word for cow. Jenner pulled a trick. He renamed cowpox variolae vaccinae, from which we get the word vaccine. Jenner called the cowpox that he injected into humans variolae vaccinae. Jenner’s theory was that it would make them immune from smallpox. While Jenner is often credited with the cowpox/smallpox hypothesis, it can be traced past Jenner’s first experiments in 1796 to a farmer, Benjamin Jesty (1736-1816), who first used cowpox to innoculate against smallpox in 1774. Cowpox is a disease of cows’ udders and has no relation to smallpox, except they both have the suffix “pox” in their names. Indeed, variolae vaccinae, which means smallpox of the cow, is a made-up disease. There is a disease called cowpox and a disease called smallpox, but there is no such disease as smallpox of the cow. Jenner was running a medical scam.

The esteemed Dr. Charles Creighton, writing in the Ninth Edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, described Jenner’s representation of cowpox as “smallpox of the cow” as “arbitrary and untenable.” He explained that cowpox and smallpox are infections that are quite unlike one another. Dr. Creighton further explained the dangers of Jenner’s cowpox vaccination. He listed five diseases caused by vaccination: “1) erysipelas, (2) jaundice, (3) skin eruptions, (4) vaccinal ulcers, and (5) so-called vaccinal syphilis.” Dr. Creighton noted a 50% increase in infant deaths from syphilis after compulsory vaccination was instituted in England in 1853. Dr. Creighton opined that vaccination may predispose infants to be beset by illnesses because the vaccines “produce a considerable constitutional disturbance,” rendering the infant’s immature immune system unable to resist diseases. Tragically, this often caused the premature death of children or, if they survived, lifelong illness and frailty.

The term vaccination did not exist until Edward Jenner (1749-1823). Before Edward Jenner, the method of gaining immunity from smallpox was called variolation, a name drawn from variola, the scientific name for smallpox. The Chinese of the 15th century practiced a form of variolation where a practitioner would use nasal insufflation, where the recipient would suck powdered smallpox scabs into his lungs. The more common method was for the practitioner to dip a swab or other implement into a smallpox pustule and then introduce that smallpox material into a cut or poke a needle containing the material into the recipient’s skin. This process was thought to give the recipient a mild case of smallpox but lifelong immunity from smallpox thereafter. This process of implanting a disease agent in a person is also called inoculation.

Although inoculation is based on the germ theory, it predates the alleged discoveries of Louis Pasteur (1849–1895) by hundreds of years. Indeed, both inoculation and the germ theory began their existence not as scientific discoveries but as religious superstitions. The Hindu superstition was transformed into “science” by Louis Pasteur through plagiarism and fraud. Pasteur falsely took credit for the discoveries of Antoine Bechamp. He then twisted the science of Bechamp through fraud to conjure the myth of his germ theory as the cause of illness. Pasteur’s germ theory for the cause of disease is the basis for the quackery and sin of the modern practice of vaccination. Bechamp’s legitimate science-backed terrain theory for the cause of illness did not serve Satan’s interest in killing, injuring, and enslaving mankind. And so Pastuer was promoted, and Bechamp was suppressed. Christians are called on to “keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith.” 1 Timothy 6:20.

Burroughs Wellcome Pharmaceutical Company presented at the 17th International Congress of Medicine in London, England, in 1913, “The History of Inoculation and Vaccination for the Prevention of Disease.” In 2005, GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Company absorbed Burroughs Wellcome in a merger of the two companies. The 360-page International Congress of Medicine lecture memoranda from Burroughs Wellcome explain that inoculation against disease was started by Dhanwantari, the Vedic father of medicine, in 1500 B.C. In an account given in 1757 by one Howell, inoculation was practiced by itinerant Brahmins who went from house to house. Brahmin is the highest Varna in Vedic Hinduism. Brahmin came from the term Brahman, which is a magical force. The practice by the Brahmin required the recipients of the inoculation to “make a thanksgiving, Poojah, or offering to the goddess on their recovery.” Poojah is a Hindu word meaning worship, prayer, and offerings to a god or goddess.

The goddess to which an offering was to be made was Sitala, the goddess of smallpox, who “is the preeminent tutelary deity of villages in southwestern Bengal, and a goddess of the same name has a prominent role in Hindu pantheons throughout northern India.”

Pharmaceutical companies know full well that inoculation is a religious rite masquerading as a medical treatment. Below is a native drawing from India published in the Burroughs Wellcome lecture memoranda depicting a Malaba woman invoking the Hindu goddess of smallpox.

Dr. Charles Creighton, M.A., M.D. (1847-1927) was a recognized authority in epidemiology. He had orthodox views of vaccination and believed them to be efficacious and safe. He was selected by the publishers of the Encyclopedia Britannica, Ninth Edition, to write the article on Vaccination. He did original and exhaustive research. His research opened his eyes to the reality that vaccines were ineffective and dangerous. Dr. Creighton continued his research and wrote a book titled Jenner and Vaccination: A Strange Chapter of Medical History. Dr. Creighton explained that the book was written as he tried to find out “how the medical profession in various countries could have come to fall under the enchantment of an illusion.” One notable statistic that Dr. Creighton cited in his Encyclopedia Britannica article was that “in Bavaria in 1871 of 30,742 cases [of smallpox] 29,429 were in vaccinated persons, or 95.7 per cent., and 1,313 in the un-vaccinated, or 4.3 .per cent.

Brett Wilcox correctly characterizes the modern practice of Vaccinology as a religious rite dressed up as science. Vaccination has much in common with the religion of Molech. It is the sacrifice of the few to protect the many. Doctors know that a certain percentage of children will die and be injured by vaccines. But as with the sacrifice of children to Molech, the medical community claims that “the benefits outweigh the risks and costs for many vaccines including polio, pertussis, measles, mumps and rubella. Thus, the use of these vaccines provides a net saving to society.” As with the worship of Molech, the few must be sacrificed for the benefit of society. Vaccination is the perverse ethic of doing evil that good may result. God calls such an ethic a damnable heresy. See Romans 3:8. God condemns it. The child sacrifices to Molech were ineffectual; it was based on mythology. In like manner, vaccination is ineffectual; it is also based on mythology. Just as Molech was no threat, so also viruses pose no threat. The sacrifice of the few to Molech did nothing to protect the many. In like manner, sacrificing the few to vaccination does nothing to protect the many. For example, it has been proven that the COVID-19 vaccine does not prevent the spread of the alleged virus known as SARS-CoV-2 and thus does not offer any immunity to the herd, as was alleged under the vaccine mandates.

There is scientific proof that the more vaccines administered to infants, the higher the infant death rate. But vaccination is not based on science; it is based on religion. The religion of Molech. Parents obediently march their children to the pediatrician, who, like a priest of Molech, administers deadly poison to the children. The religious mantra is that vaccines are safe and effective; only a few will die. The few must die for the benefit of the many. Among the many surviving children, there will be those who will suffer lifelong ailments. And like Molech, the protection is a myth.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits the government from establishing a religion or interfering with the people’s God-given right to freely exercise religion. That means that the government is prohibited from requiring its citizens to engage in a religious ritual. The government cannot legally require anybody to engage in a religious rite, especially when it is known to cause death and disease. Vaccination is a heathen religious custom born from Satan’s hatred of God and man. The First Amendment protects the people from religious tyranny, even when the religion is cloaked with the false patina of science. The constitutional protection should be at its zenith when the religious rite is premised on a degenerate philosophy that evil must be done so that some good may come about. God warns us about just such so-called science that would be used to deceive us.

"[K]eep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen." 1 Timothy 6:20-21.

For more information about the dangerous quackery of vaccination read Vaccine Danger: Quackery and Sin.


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They should all walk out and protest this insanity! We all need to start standing up, they are counting on us not standing!

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This is a CRITICAL THINKER moment, to say the least. What good is an expensive degree when you’re stupid. C’mon people!

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Warrior! Thank you!

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Please stop calling the mrna shots vaccines. They are experimental therapeutics...at best.

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No, they’re not therapeutics. They’re poison. I was “fired” from my job of 23 years because I refused the swab test, which subsequently was the jab. For refusing a “therapeutic”???? No, I don’t think so!

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