Nov 24, 2022Liked by No College Mandates

This cardiologist agrees with you 100%.

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Sharing these words is incredibly helpful to others who might not articulate their opposition with such clarity and extensive citations - thank you all!!

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by No College Mandates

Thank you for your courage. It is in short supply these days.

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Thank you for writing this letter. Not enough people are speaking out about mandatory treatments and many don’t know that colleges are mandating currently.

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As a cardiologist, I 100% agree with this letter. Additionally, UC needs to withdraw even the primary vaccination series requirement (not just the booster). There needs to be valid exemption for those with immunity from prior infection. No one (repeat, NO ONE) <30 years old should be subject to any COVID-19 vaccine mandate. Although the risk of myocarditis is higher in young males, with increasing doses (≥3) the risk to young females also rises considerably. Students should not be forced to choose between higher education and their own personal safety. The overall risk of severe COVID-19 complications (hospitalization and death) in 0-24 yo is VERY, VERY low (i.e, the benefits do NOT outweigh the risks since there never was an 'emergency' in this age group to ever justify EUA, let alone mandates).

More here:

Myocarditis after COVID-19 Vaccination versus SARS-CoV2 Infection: Latest UK Study in Context


Myocarditis after COVID-19 Vaccination: The Stupefying and Humbling True Magnitude


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Kudos to each and every one of these profs!!! I am ashamed of my own alma mater, the University of Redlands, which continues along the same trajectory of mandating these for all faculty, staff, and students.

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This letter is excellent! Thank you for speaking out for our colleges and students. I am concerned about the future of these institutions if they continue down this path. I have high school boys who play sports at a high level. Where they choose to go to college is going to come down to medical freedom. I’m watching athletes lose their abilities and health. In Illinois they are going to mandate this for all Illinois students. I plan to fight like hell to make sure that doesn’t happen.

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Thank you for formulating a well written and researched case against these clearly harmful and illogical mandates. For it to be ignored, and silenced from campus newsletters, well, we all need to be asking... what is really going on here?

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Now that is a well written document! Thank you.

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Bravo to those professors!!!

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As CJ Hopkins writes, this vax mandates and its' accompanying components is "a global totalitarian movement....the first of its kind in human history."

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No question.

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You are barking up the wrong tree. You can write as many letters as you want to Presidents, ADs whoever at these state university systems, but they have absolutely ZERO control of these covid shot policies. It all comes down from the Governor’s office. Period. Maybe legislature in some state cases. This is how state system money is allocated to these universities. Gov is the head. You’re better off writing to the Governor/government relations office that all these universities have. If it were up to Presidents and boards or even Chancellors of systems you would see a lot more variation within the system. You don’t because it’s not in places like UC and SUNY and CUNY. Oregon state no booster, Oregon booster they’re less tied to Governors office, but still some. Look at North Carolina universities, they seemed to have a little more autonomy at each university. Heck I think even UF may have tried to mandate if it weren’t for DeSantis. SUNY is doomed to mandates under Kathy Hochul (aka Mommy Dearest). They dropped boosters because either they felt enrollment would suffer and/or they know about myo risks, but that came straight from the office of Governor that presides over university system. No control at each university.

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UK Column. Please watch this interview. The DOD may well be behind all of this.


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This is actually the most critical piece of information on this thread. I have seen in on numerous substances and have posted it myself but it never seems to get any traction .

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This is also an example of why I no longer refer to Corporations and Countries as separate entities. It is one ... the Corporate Nation-State. And it is evil incarnate.

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The stench around this is growing so awful. At this point only a moron or a dedicated Branch Covidian sheep cannot see it for what it really is. Since we are in the week of the JFK assassination 59 years ago, I’m reminded of one of his final speeches where he warned of a vast conspiracy to rule the world. We are seeing it in full play. They don’t mind killing anyone, even the president who calls them out.

The people making these dreadful policies are answering to evil forces. They are either brainwashed, blackmailed or bribed. Maybe all three.

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Thank you for spealing credibly amd speaking out. Are any of you available as expert witnesses? I am suing my former employer who confiscated significant deferred comp and denied Severance after refusing my request for religious and medical exemption.

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Email me at: info@nocollegemandates.com. I have expert witnesses.

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Mandates are putting selective pressure on compliance traits.

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Thank you !! Keep sending !

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