Push back now. Push back hard. In BC Canada they passed legislation to jail health practionners for up to 2 years for covid "misinformation" and to vaccinate by Force a health practitioner who refuses. Etc

Etc. Bill 36

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What a nightmare!!!

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They take their licence to practice can Seize property and fine them 200k. Of course that won't buy eggs soon.

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PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


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Loving these faculty letters of support. Keep them coming!! We need like 1,000,000 more of them to right this ship....

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Kudos to this professor and everyone speaking out against this madness. The problem is, they're appealing to logic, and this has nothing to do with logic. It's about an agenda, an evil one at that.

Yes, there needs to be hard pushback, but while pushing back, we need to be praying to God even harder. These policies aren't simply wrong, aren't simply insanely authoritarian, aren't simply dangerous. They're demonic. I don't think that can be emphasized strongly enough.

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“We’re mandates based on science or wishful thinking?”

Are you serious, Professor?

They were based on malicious, harmful intent.

You’ve got to face and speak the truth!

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Let’s now analyze the health impact of a booster-dose mandate at a college or university having an enrollment of 22,000 students. Let’s call this institution CVMU (COVID-Vaccine-Mandating University), and let’s assume that 55% of CVMU students are females to reflect the reality that the majority of students at U.S. colleges and universities are females. So, CVMU has 12,100 female students and 9,900 male students. Based on the Israeli Health Ministry’s booster-dose survey, we conclude that in an effort to prevent a single Omicron-infection hospitalization among CVMU students during a six-month period, CVMU’s booster mandate will likely result in

at least 2 hospitalizations for a booster-dose-associated adverse-event

approximately 4,283 (≈ 12,100 × 0.354) female students’ having trouble performing daily activities (e.g., attending classes) after a booster dose,

approximately 2,534 (≈ 9,900 × 0.256) male students’ having trouble performing daily activities after a booster dose, and

approximately 660 (= 22,000 × 0.03) students seeking medical care for a booster-dose-associated adverse-event.


I'm running these numbers for a future article about stopping mandates in public k-12 schools now that the jabs are on the childhood vax schedule, and it's terrifying. These adverse effects won't MAYBE happen, they WILL happen -- and the mandators need to know the government will not have their backs.

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I know a child who was off school for a week after Pfizer because the child could not lift the arm which had received the injection.

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Thank you Professor Bourdon. We need more like you💕

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Here’s some other illogical narrative (i.e. hoswallop) that The Science had the gall to impose on the public:

1) masks don’t protect the wearer, just others (ignoring, of course, that they don’t really work at all). Is there magic one way fabric?; and

2) ostracize the unvaccinated so that they don’t endanger the vaccinated.

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From one of the links acknowledging the challenging task of vaccine development against corona viruses. A great quote fr Professor Ian Frazer if U of Queensland clearly a statement before he knew he was a resident of a reservation and wandering off it ... I wonder what he would say now, what he HAS been saying ...

"I think it would be fair to say even if we get something which looked quite encouraging in animals, the safety trials in humans will have to be fairly extensive before we would think about vaccinating a group of people who have not yet been exposed to the virus.”

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There is some irony here quoting Professor Frazer,--developer of HPV vax, which has one of the most troubling risk/benefit profiles among jabs foisted (particularly in US) on young women...and now youth/young men too!! 🙄

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it’s so interesting how most of the professionals who speak up are retired or approaching retirement. They are no longer as concerned about offending the powers which may be able to harm their incomes or careers.

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What are the chances?

I found three videos of people dying in front of my eyes from MCM substack

While I was doing laundry., In a passing glances...just dropping dead.

Put them as repost in Twitter


How likely is that pre Harmacide scamdemic?

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Thank goodness I didn't go to med school in 2018. I'd be unemployeed and in big time debt.

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PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


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exccelent analysis, alas too late for all those jabbed

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Science is about one thing- getting the next grant. With that fact in mind, nobody rocks the boat.

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I want to see every doctor and authority up the food chain from you and Marek hung by the neck until until dead for what they did to the patients.

For what they did to you fine doctors, I would see them stripped of all credentials and whipped in a public stockade for a week before long-term imprisonment.

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Regarding Question 3. There is a third option. Were the covid mandates done because Yale or the other schools took $$$ money $$$ from pharma to push them. If there is evidence that they have soft or strong relationships with the pharma companies or the CDC then all these other questions go right out the window and the real reason is in the spotlight why this is happening. It's about the Ben Franklins. And we know the answer to this question. Where are the research dollars in the medical school coming from? Can they provide a list of their biggest donors in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022?

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