I was a tenured college Professor for almost 40 years when the ‘Covid pandemic’ hit our college and we had to start grappling with it during Spring semester 2021. Every person on campus had to have weekly nasal swabs/covid tests and had to be masked at all times unless alone in their private office. Most Professors were so afraid of Covid that they opted not to teach in person and moved all their classes online, including science lab classes. I opted to teach my three courses in person, because there were many students still on campus and I wanted to give them the best, but safest, college experience they could have during Covid.
When I offered to teach in person on campus, I ran my plans by the department Chair and Dean of Faculty, to make sure they felt I was doing so in the safest manner possible, and not violating any of the new college policies regarding Covid restrictions on campus. Even though I was teaching in person, I had to also have Zoom going and have a camera in the classroom at all times, because some students didn’t feel comfortable coming into a classroom, and also, if anybody tested positive, they could still keep up with our course progress via the internet. Most of my students came in person and did not seem to be afraid of getting ill, but we followed strict campus protocols: everybody masked, desks spaced out 6ft or more, and every student was required to wipe their desk before and after the class with provided paper and antimicrobial solution.
As students were entering and leaving my teaching spaces during that term, I would often overhear them talking about the side effects they were having from taking the Covid vaccine. The vaccine had not yet been mandated, but we were very strongly encouraged by the college Administration, and most of the students were getting their shots at the college ‘health’ center. Strong, young and otherwise healthy students were complaining of some very serious side effects from their Covid shots! Pounding headaches for days, sore arms, general flu-like symptoms etc. I was hearing lots of complaints and was deeply concerned about what the college was doing to our students, but at this point, it was the students’ choice.
In the meantime, I had already decided I would NEVER take any experimental mRNA covid injection. I researched it constantly on the internet and there were innumerable reasons coming up that were all red flags. Here are some of the reasons I never, to this day, took one Covid shot:
1. I’m ‘health nut’ who exercises regularly, takes lots of vitamins and gets plenty of sleep nightly. I’m unlikely to get terribly sick from Covid, with a 97+% recovery rate.
2. These mRNA shots were NEW technology, never before tried on humans! I would be a human guinea pig.
3. All previous mRNA trials with animals killed the animals!
4. There was no long term safety data for any of the mRNA injections!
5. Big Pharma has a long history of killing and maiming people (Viox, etc.)!
6. I knew Big Pharma had zero liability for any ‘vax’ side effects. RFK Jr. talked about this a great deal and it needs to be stopped! No matter how many people get maimed or killed by an experimental ‘Vax’, you cannot sue the Pharma companies. Also, big Pharma wanted to hide their vax trial results for 75 years, not a good sign! If you want to encourage people to trust you, publish ALL results of the trials immediately!
7. The ‘vaxes’ were rushed to market in record time using new manufacturing techniques. (I figured they would have lots of issues that had not yet been worked out…. later we found out they were badly contaminated with bacterial DNA and SV40 cancer promoters).
8. I generally avoid doctors anyhow, since I’m a very healthy person. I’ve not been to the doctor in 30+ years and know that today’s Docs mostly only use drugs to ’solve’ problems. These are not solutions, They simply mask causation. I don’t like taking any drugs for anything if I can at all avoid it, and this includes vaccines.
And I could go on and on….
So while I knew in my mind that I was never going to take an experimental mRNA injection for ANY reason, I started feeling very very badly for my young and otherwise healthy students, now complaining of numerous concerning side effects! One young female student on campus died suddenly from a Pulmonary Embolism (though this fact was concealed by the college administration who painted it as a sudden and unexpected tragedy, much like the sudden deaths we have all seen on TV with news presenters and professional sports people over the past few years).
I was one of the few brave faculty members who taught all his/her classes in the Spring of 2021 and my students often expressed their gratitude to me for ’taking the chance’ that few other faculty were willing to take, and I’m proud of having helped my students continue their education in a meaningful and rewarding way for Spring term 2021.
During that same Spring semester, faculty meetings continued but only virtually through Zoom. Hundreds of faculty and employees were online wanting to know what the Administration’s plans were to deal with the Covid situation. I was THE ONLY faculty member who spoke out publicly before hundreds of employees to urge the college administration to read and hold discussions on the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD), written by three eminent epidemiologists from Stanford, Harvard and Oxford University,
Which suggested a ‘focused protection’ strategy for Covid, keeping the elderly as safe as possible, but not shutting down society because of the great harms that it would do to so many, especially the poor of the world. I had hoped for a robust academic debate on the topic (over Zoom of course), a debate that would happen PRIOR to any vax mandate on campus, but instead, other faculty were texting the group via Zoom deriding my comments and laughing at me! The President of the College heard my comments, as he was online also, but made no comment at the time. There was NEVER any open and free discussion or debate on the merits of the GBD nor on the possible negative side effects of the experimental injections, but up to that point, the Covid Vaxes were not yet mandated.
Summer of 2021 passed and school was now only 2 weeks away from starting up again. I received an email from the Dean of Faculty that he wanted to speak with me ASAP. I contacted the Dean. He said that I was ’the most prominent’ member of the faculty who had publicly spoken up against any possible vax mandate on campus and so he wanted to speak with me quite directly about it. Without hesitation, he simply stated that I HAD to have TWO experimental mRNA covid injections during these next two weeks before classes begin or I would be fired. Tenure be damned, I would be fired for ‘violating the new college policy of mandated (experimental) Covid ‘vaccines’!
A kind woman from the IT department reached out to me, knowing the quandary I was now in, and told me that she had heard that employees who applied for ‘religious exemption’ were being nearly automatically approved and she suggested I try this before being fired. In fact, I wrote an eight page detailed letter as my request for a religious exemption, but I never submitted it.
After a great deal of soul searching, even though I was between a ‘rock and a hard place’ with my career, in the end, I decided I simply could not support an administrative policy that I considered to be EVIL! Young, healthy students, who were essentially at no serious risk of dying from Covid, were being forced, en masse, to get the experimental mRNA injections! In my view, this was highly immoral, would eventually be proven to be illegal, and was a violation of all of the principles of the Nuremberg Code, the great set of ethical research principles for human experimentation created at the end of WW2.
In the end, I was forced out of the institution. Tenure meant nothing. Objection to being force injected with an experimental toxic substance meant nothing. But I am still alive and healthy today and surviving and I have no worries about blood clots or heart damage that we are now seeing in millions of people around the world that took the experimental injections. I feel deep sorrow for what the Pharma companies and ‘higher education’ has done to our young students and to all our college and university employees who were forced to take this experimental injection or lose their jobs and put their entire family’s survival in jeopardy. Like many others, I await true justice for these crimes against humanity!
If you have a similar story, please consider sharing with it with us so we can publish it here on our Substack. We must never forget.
Thank you for sharing your story anonymous professor!
I also was threatened over the vax mandate, despite being a "full" professor, because the university risked losing NIH and NSF funding. Get it or be fired by Jan 1, the university insisted.
I was alone in my resistance and the faculty senate refused to hear my complaint. I ended up getting the first shot after my geneticist friends assured me over and over again "how safe it was" but I had such a severe allergic reaction that I refused the second.
My brave doctor wrote a medical exemption and the university acquiesced.
The administrative demand that we all subjugate ourselves to an experimental gene-based "therapy," coupled with the sheep-like nature of my colleagues, have forever changed my perspective on "higher" education and its membership.
I wrote letters to my elected officials decrying the mandates and the media propaganda campaigns against dissenters. I never got a response.
I lost many "friends" over this affair.
Yet I know our concerns were correct. I've seen many people who suffered lupus, retinal detachments, lymphoma, sudden cardiac deaths, etc. from the experimental shots.
Society is still in the denial stage. It reminds me of the experimental nuclear tests over populations in the mid-20th century where radiation fears were labeled "radiophobia" and ridiculed by the medical profession and scientific authorities.
2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and now 2025
Many still wear masks and taken the 10th Covid va$$ine.
Sad. Disgusting. Evil. Surreal.