Thank you for sharing your story anonymous professor!
I also was threatened over the vax mandate, despite being a "full" professor, because the university risked losing NIH and NSF funding. Get it or be fired by Jan 1, the university insisted.
I was alone in my resistance and the faculty senate refused to hear my complaint. I ended up getting the first shot after my geneticist friends assured me over and over again "how safe it was" but I had such a severe allergic reaction that I refused the second.
My brave doctor wrote a medical exemption and the university acquiesced.
The administrative demand that we all subjugate ourselves to an experimental gene-based "therapy," coupled with the sheep-like nature of my colleagues, have forever changed my perspective on "higher" education and its membership.
I wrote letters to my elected officials decrying the mandates and the media propaganda campaigns against dissenters. I never got a response.
I lost many "friends" over this affair.
Yet I know our concerns were correct. I've seen many people who suffered lupus, retinal detachments, lymphoma, sudden cardiac deaths, etc. from the experimental shots.
Society is still in the denial stage. It reminds me of the experimental nuclear tests over populations in the mid-20th century where radiation fears were labeled "radiophobia" and ridiculed by the medical profession and scientific authorities.
Thank you for sharing your story. You were lucky indeed to find a doctor who would write an exemption. They are a very rare breed.
I too lost many friends. Mainly I am the one who dropped them. Back in 2021 with the mandates I heard what they had to say; it was clear to me that they were beyond any kind of polite and rational discussion. They were out of their ever-living minds.
Yep, still seeing maskers here in the free state of Florida. It is quite sad to see so many still brainwashed by the tel-lie-vision. It will take a long time to undo all the damage IMO.
You are a Hero. I will never understand why parents and students allowed this. I have no idea how brainwashed this country was. The students and parents could have stopped this. They could’ve shut the whole system down by simply not returning that fall. They had all the power.
Yes, you're correct! If students and their parents had simply stopped PAYING and stopped attending classes and withdrew their $$$ from college's mandating these deadly shots, it would have shut the whole mandate thing down at the start!
You're a true hero! I hope you sue the bastards. Two of my sons were in college at the time and both were successful in requesting religious exemptions. I had to read a lot between the lines to figure out how to justify it. What a load of bs.
You’re lucky in the US that you even have religious exemptions. Australia has no such exemption and even those that had anaphylactic reactions to the jab were not exempted. They were just told to make sure they got the next one at a hospital so that care was close at hand.
Australia is totally insane in such policies!!!!! The Australian people need to rise up and replace their government with sane people and sane policies.
I'm happy your sons and you were smart enough to find a way around the darn mandates! None of you will have to needlessly worry about sudden heart attacks, strokes or 'turbo cancers'. Good for you!
Thank you for telling your story. I was a law school professor and saw the criminal con job from the very start. I refused to do any of the Covid measures demanded by my university, including biweekly testing or masking. After they rejected my religious exemption, I was put on unpaid leave for a year. When the Covid hysteria died down a school year later, they offered me my job back, but I was so thoroughly disgusted with their violations of basic civil rights that I opted not to return. Instead, I began suing California public schools for mask and shot mandates and local counties for refusing to end the bogus prolonged Covid emergency. I will never forgive or forget the cowardice of my university (or my silent colleagues) for what they did to perfectly healthy college and law age students. The disaster to their health and future fertility is only beginning to be revealed. And selling your soul by remaining silent and complicit for any job is not worth it.
Sorry to hear it happened to you as well. I hope you can use your legal skills to sue the hell out of your former law school. The worm is about to turn in 2025...let the class action lawsuits rain down like manna from heaven!
This needs to be fought in the courts ... it was unconscionable behavior by US institutions, and it pointed to a fundamental decay of ethical values. I know a number of people who got religious exemptions, and I also saw very public attempts by administrators to shame them for doing so.
Perhaps it's divine justice, or just institutional self-protection, but those administrators are all now out of their jobs.
Thank you for sharing your story, and thank you standing for common sense and for freedom.
I left the quadrangles many years ago, but I can say that I lost all respect for my alma mater when it imposed covid jab mandates on the staff and the students. It was lunacy and it was a crime against humanity for them to have done that.
I more than understand your choice to leave, and with your health and self-respect intact, that is the most important thing.
May those who committed these crimes be held accountable before the law.
I was delighted to see that my old alma mater in Ohio, where I did my much loved undergraduate work, did NOT mandate the deadly mRna shots! I was so proud of them! I will certainly leave a big place for them in my future donation plans and in my final last Will and Testament!
you are a hero. I said many times if only the college students would have all refused to go back to college. It would’ve shut down the entire college system. That would’ve been the most incredible thing to have happened.
Also, zero regrets for taking a stand and refusing all of the nonsense.. testing, masking and the shots! All of it.. have never felt so strongly against something before this.
Congratulations on following your convictions. So many didn’t and may be suffering the consequences. I, too, feel for the students who were forced to take the shots. Vaccine mandates are wrong! Hopefully, lessons have been learned and RFK may be able to turn some things around. I hope you were able to find another opportunity to teach.
I'd have to agree with that statement, I would have felt differently had Trump come out and say hey I know we screwed up on operation warp speed but we're gonna look into what went wrong and bring justice to those whom made bad decisions , but I am not confident that will happen!!!!!
I know for me as a Canadian the two years has passed and I’m not able to do shit. And had I tried in the immediate aftermath.. the cards were stacked against in every institution. Sickening times. Reading these similar stories from across so many domains is so gut wrenching. The cowardice and wilful blindness was and still is rampant.
thanks for writing down the procedures you created in your offering a classroom setting along with Zoom availability for those not wanting to go into the classroom. Curious what percentage of your students came into the classroom ballpark versus those who stayed away? It sounds like you were the lone professor who offered in classroom option. Hopefully not but any sense of others?? As we all look back on how this was handled have we really learned anything? Would the same procedures go into effect if another so called “pandemic” was announced? I hope not but please point to some act of contrition from the powers that be this would never be repeated. In the fall of 2020 all catholic schools from pre-school through high school were open here in Chicago and suburbs. I am assuming many more catholic schools were open but I can only comment on where I live. And I know how the media handles stories that drive FEAR and hence ratings that not one story made it on the local news that X or Y school had a rash or breakout of CoVid causing the schools to be closed even if only temporarily. Never read or heard about any such stories. But heard from many disgruntled parents from having their student be isolated at home going to Chicago Public Schools and looked into enrolling their child in a catholic school which did happen but on a minimal basis as the schools were not equipped to handle such a huge increase in class size. During CoVid I was a mobile notary assigned to go into people’s homes to have them sign paperwork for refinancing their home. It put me in front of a lot of people from different walks of life and different parts of the city. Just asking open ended questions and picking up their utter frustration for those with no options. My heart really went out to single parents of teenagers dealing with these lockdowns. What a challenge on top of dealing with their own anxieties with their own job situation flying solo so to speak.
Are you back teaching, Any legal recourse for this firing? The largest bank JP Morgan Chase in January 2022 came out with an email requiring anyone that entered their building to show a vaccination card or would not be admitted. Some of my closings could be scheduled at a local bank branch even though most were in customer’s homes or condos. I refused to be vaccinated and lost out on some business but then about 2 to 3 months later that requirement was suddenly dropped. Just like my fitness club that required vaccination cards for about 2 months and then that quietly went away. No Media reporting on that or restaurants now open for both vaccinated and unvaccinated. The overused phase, “History will repeat itself if we don’t learn from it.” Does this make any sense??
Thanks again for sharing your story. If you are ever in Chicago would be honored to meet you in person.
Yes thank you for sharing your heroic story! I am a musician living in a Blue state/city and I would have lost all my gigs and students ( still would) if I had publicly admitted I refused those shots. I have seen SO many deaths/injuries and repeated Covid cases in all the people here who are probably on their 10th booster. I am hopeful the truth will keep coming out, especially if RFK Jr is confirmed
Thank you for sharing your story anonymous professor!
I also was threatened over the vax mandate, despite being a "full" professor, because the university risked losing NIH and NSF funding. Get it or be fired by Jan 1, the university insisted.
I was alone in my resistance and the faculty senate refused to hear my complaint. I ended up getting the first shot after my geneticist friends assured me over and over again "how safe it was" but I had such a severe allergic reaction that I refused the second.
My brave doctor wrote a medical exemption and the university acquiesced.
The administrative demand that we all subjugate ourselves to an experimental gene-based "therapy," coupled with the sheep-like nature of my colleagues, have forever changed my perspective on "higher" education and its membership.
I wrote letters to my elected officials decrying the mandates and the media propaganda campaigns against dissenters. I never got a response.
I lost many "friends" over this affair.
Yet I know our concerns were correct. I've seen many people who suffered lupus, retinal detachments, lymphoma, sudden cardiac deaths, etc. from the experimental shots.
Society is still in the denial stage. It reminds me of the experimental nuclear tests over populations in the mid-20th century where radiation fears were labeled "radiophobia" and ridiculed by the medical profession and scientific authorities.
Thank you for sharing your story. You were lucky indeed to find a doctor who would write an exemption. They are a very rare breed.
I too lost many friends. Mainly I am the one who dropped them. Back in 2021 with the mandates I heard what they had to say; it was clear to me that they were beyond any kind of polite and rational discussion. They were out of their ever-living minds.
2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and now 2025
Many still wear masks and taken the 10th Covid va$$ine.
Sad. Disgusting. Evil. Surreal.
Yep, still seeing maskers here in the free state of Florida. It is quite sad to see so many still brainwashed by the tel-lie-vision. It will take a long time to undo all the damage IMO.
Seattle too. And we have a 98% vaccination rate
You are a Hero. I will never understand why parents and students allowed this. I have no idea how brainwashed this country was. The students and parents could have stopped this. They could’ve shut the whole system down by simply not returning that fall. They had all the power.
Yes, you're correct! If students and their parents had simply stopped PAYING and stopped attending classes and withdrew their $$$ from college's mandating these deadly shots, it would have shut the whole mandate thing down at the start!
Look for lawsuits to join. They are out there and they are being WON.
You're a true hero! I hope you sue the bastards. Two of my sons were in college at the time and both were successful in requesting religious exemptions. I had to read a lot between the lines to figure out how to justify it. What a load of bs.
You’re lucky in the US that you even have religious exemptions. Australia has no such exemption and even those that had anaphylactic reactions to the jab were not exempted. They were just told to make sure they got the next one at a hospital so that care was close at hand.
Australia is totally insane in such policies!!!!! The Australian people need to rise up and replace their government with sane people and sane policies.
I'm happy your sons and you were smart enough to find a way around the darn mandates! None of you will have to needlessly worry about sudden heart attacks, strokes or 'turbo cancers'. Good for you!
World went nuts. Still spinning out of control. The wilfully blind are really running a muck
Thank you for telling your story. I was a law school professor and saw the criminal con job from the very start. I refused to do any of the Covid measures demanded by my university, including biweekly testing or masking. After they rejected my religious exemption, I was put on unpaid leave for a year. When the Covid hysteria died down a school year later, they offered me my job back, but I was so thoroughly disgusted with their violations of basic civil rights that I opted not to return. Instead, I began suing California public schools for mask and shot mandates and local counties for refusing to end the bogus prolonged Covid emergency. I will never forgive or forget the cowardice of my university (or my silent colleagues) for what they did to perfectly healthy college and law age students. The disaster to their health and future fertility is only beginning to be revealed. And selling your soul by remaining silent and complicit for any job is not worth it.
Bravo to you!
Salute. Moral courage is harder than physical courage.
If you weren't such a rare bird, this world would be so much better.
Sorry to hear it happened to you as well. I hope you can use your legal skills to sue the hell out of your former law school. The worm is about to turn in 2025...let the class action lawsuits rain down like manna from heaven!
This needs to be fought in the courts ... it was unconscionable behavior by US institutions, and it pointed to a fundamental decay of ethical values. I know a number of people who got religious exemptions, and I also saw very public attempts by administrators to shame them for doing so.
Perhaps it's divine justice, or just institutional self-protection, but those administrators are all now out of their jobs.
Thank you for sharing your story, and thank you standing for common sense and for freedom.
I left the quadrangles many years ago, but I can say that I lost all respect for my alma mater when it imposed covid jab mandates on the staff and the students. It was lunacy and it was a crime against humanity for them to have done that.
I more than understand your choice to leave, and with your health and self-respect intact, that is the most important thing.
May those who committed these crimes be held accountable before the law.
I was delighted to see that my old alma mater in Ohio, where I did my much loved undergraduate work, did NOT mandate the deadly mRna shots! I was so proud of them! I will certainly leave a big place for them in my future donation plans and in my final last Will and Testament!
you are a hero. I said many times if only the college students would have all refused to go back to college. It would’ve shut down the entire college system. That would’ve been the most incredible thing to have happened.
Also, zero regrets for taking a stand and refusing all of the nonsense.. testing, masking and the shots! All of it.. have never felt so strongly against something before this.
Congratulations on following your convictions. So many didn’t and may be suffering the consequences. I, too, feel for the students who were forced to take the shots. Vaccine mandates are wrong! Hopefully, lessons have been learned and RFK may be able to turn some things around. I hope you were able to find another opportunity to teach.
RFK reports to President Warp Speed. who has not apologized. Not likely to turn things around.
I'd have to agree with that statement, I would have felt differently had Trump come out and say hey I know we screwed up on operation warp speed but we're gonna look into what went wrong and bring justice to those whom made bad decisions , but I am not confident that will happen!!!!!
I hope you are wrong for all our sakes. Remember Trump never mandated the shots.
Declared quack emergency, platformed fauci, rolled helicopter cash out to Democrat! Governors to lock down.
If I hold a brick a hundred ft over your head and let it go did gravity kill you or did I?
IIRC Trump also took millions in campaign donations from the pharma killers.
Before anyone calls me a name, Trump is better than the cackler. By how much we shall see. At least his rhetoric is good.
Have you considered asking Aaron Siri's company Siri and Glimstad regarding what legal avenues may be open for justice?
I know for me as a Canadian the two years has passed and I’m not able to do shit. And had I tried in the immediate aftermath.. the cards were stacked against in every institution. Sickening times. Reading these similar stories from across so many domains is so gut wrenching. The cowardice and wilful blindness was and still is rampant.
thanks for writing down the procedures you created in your offering a classroom setting along with Zoom availability for those not wanting to go into the classroom. Curious what percentage of your students came into the classroom ballpark versus those who stayed away? It sounds like you were the lone professor who offered in classroom option. Hopefully not but any sense of others?? As we all look back on how this was handled have we really learned anything? Would the same procedures go into effect if another so called “pandemic” was announced? I hope not but please point to some act of contrition from the powers that be this would never be repeated. In the fall of 2020 all catholic schools from pre-school through high school were open here in Chicago and suburbs. I am assuming many more catholic schools were open but I can only comment on where I live. And I know how the media handles stories that drive FEAR and hence ratings that not one story made it on the local news that X or Y school had a rash or breakout of CoVid causing the schools to be closed even if only temporarily. Never read or heard about any such stories. But heard from many disgruntled parents from having their student be isolated at home going to Chicago Public Schools and looked into enrolling their child in a catholic school which did happen but on a minimal basis as the schools were not equipped to handle such a huge increase in class size. During CoVid I was a mobile notary assigned to go into people’s homes to have them sign paperwork for refinancing their home. It put me in front of a lot of people from different walks of life and different parts of the city. Just asking open ended questions and picking up their utter frustration for those with no options. My heart really went out to single parents of teenagers dealing with these lockdowns. What a challenge on top of dealing with their own anxieties with their own job situation flying solo so to speak.
Are you back teaching, Any legal recourse for this firing? The largest bank JP Morgan Chase in January 2022 came out with an email requiring anyone that entered their building to show a vaccination card or would not be admitted. Some of my closings could be scheduled at a local bank branch even though most were in customer’s homes or condos. I refused to be vaccinated and lost out on some business but then about 2 to 3 months later that requirement was suddenly dropped. Just like my fitness club that required vaccination cards for about 2 months and then that quietly went away. No Media reporting on that or restaurants now open for both vaccinated and unvaccinated. The overused phase, “History will repeat itself if we don’t learn from it.” Does this make any sense??
Thanks again for sharing your story. If you are ever in Chicago would be honored to meet you in person.
Yes thank you for sharing your heroic story! I am a musician living in a Blue state/city and I would have lost all my gigs and students ( still would) if I had publicly admitted I refused those shots. I have seen SO many deaths/injuries and repeated Covid cases in all the people here who are probably on their 10th booster. I am hopeful the truth will keep coming out, especially if RFK Jr is confirmed
I know what you mean. Same for me.