The name of the college referenced in this post is Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) which is a private research university in Troy, New York that specializes in science and technology. However, keep in mind that students at many colleges in CA and the northeast lived through very similar experiences which is why this post is ringing true with so many of you.

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I swear, reading this triggered some sort of covid PTSD.

The damage, and the trauma, done to kids just trying to seek an education, is immeasurable.

I am convinced that for many, the trauma will never go away.

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And FYI.. a lot of the 🐀🐀 politicians moved their families here to the Free State of Florida.. during the Plandemic… so their kids could attend our open schools and universities.

We were open and not locked down tighter than a fiddle .. like in California.. NYC… Michigan, ..that witch in Michigan … she wouldn’t even let her constituents buy seeds to grow a garden … and she vacationed in Florida and she got to visit her father here as well…in fact a lot of 🐀 politicians vacationed here and enjoyed our open beaches.. restaurants.. bars… shops and grocery stores…

I met one father …in the grocery store …and he had just flown out here to Florida… from California ..and he was staying with friends on our little barrier island.. he was looking to buy a house ASAP …and his friends told him to fly down and stay with them ..and he did just that … due to the fact that he said …his 11 year old daughter was suffering from the insane mask mandates in California …and everyday she would cry.. and cry and didn’t want to go to school…. just like my grandson in California … because she (and my grandson) had to wear masks all day.. and they had to eat with a mask on… they had to lift it every time to take a bite or drink… how insane is that….

and this gentleman told me how his daughters hair was falling out … and she had terrible nightmares and anxiety issues … and her father said to his wife that’s enough .. we’re moving!!! And the next day he called his wife and told fly out here asap.. he had found a house … and I want you to see it and see how every business and schools and the beaches are open.

Go and Google The Van Zant Brothers YouTube music video… Sweet Florida…. it’s a really cool video to watch … and it’s a great tribute to our Great Governor DeSantis … who kept us open and Free… during this time of insanity.

All the best.. and I still think of another mother I met who gave her daughter the jabs so she could go back Harvard .. and she had her son jabbed so he could attend Penn State.. I asked her why .. and her reply was … well they need to finish good universities so they can get good jobs … I thought to myself yeah!!! Right that’s if they remain healthy enough to work…. and I said to her… what about their health … and she replied .. oh … I’m not worried about their health… because we have a doctor who can reverse the jabs… I have often wondered how her children are doing now… 😢

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Reverse the jabs huh, lol?! How dumb.

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I’d be very interested in learning how this doctor can reverse the integration of the spike protein into human DNA. How do you reverse the permanent corruption of the human genome?

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Insanity is a mental disorder. Insane to give the jab.. jabs to your healthy kids in the first place.

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I get sick to my stomach just thinking about parents who insisted their children get jabbed...and it's even worse to think that the Covid mRNA vaccine is now on the recommended childhood vaccine schedule here in the States.

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I understand completely how you feel… my heart aches for all the children who will suffer from their parents poor decisions. And to think that they are adding the c-vid to the childhood vaccine list… and then who will care for all of these vaccine injured children …once their parents pass away?

Here’s a thought to ponder… they might be the first generation of children who will die before their parents. Only God knows ..and He is weeping for His children. Like all of us .. who are awake and aware. God Bless you and thank you for your note.

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The trauma will go away only after the perpetrators have been tried and hanged for their crimes against humanity: Pfauci, Collins, Gates, Bourla, Bancel, Birx, Walensky, Hotez, etc and the serpents in the DoD who organized it all.

Without justice, the crimes remain a festering wound on the world.

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I agree. I know I had PTSD as a result of the world going crazy and what they have done to our children!

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…and will be reflected in a notable lack of monetary donations to the colleges/universities for DECADES to come.

Kick them where it hurts most.

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They will also be much eiser...they have learned soo much from this abusive real world "relatoonship".

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How could they go from giving exemptions to rescinding it after the check clears?

Class action lawsuit of all the parents would teach those bullies... Civil suits too, every single executive of the college.

I hope this happens before the statute of limitations runs out.

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Agreed. They gave her a religious exemption with a set of ridiculous terms and conditions--only to renege on that religious exemption. Very very wrong. If I were her, I probably would have gone straight back home. If I were her parent, I would have filed a lawsuit, seeking to get my money back for breach of contract, fraud, violation of First Amendment rights (how do you renege on someone's religious exemption?!), among other things. That college, with its wicked administrators, needs to be closed down. I'm glad the student in question was able to get out of there and go somewhere else..

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New York legislature eliminated religious exemptions for vaccines in 2019, right before Covid hit. We reached out to a handful of law firms in New York, but they either weren't interested in taking on our case or they were swamped representing health care workers fighting their vaccine mandates and were too busy to take us on as a client. Plus, law suits are extremely expensive, especially when one party has deep pockets. I like to believe that karma is real and these immoral bullies will get what they deserve...

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I don’t know how we forgive these tyrants for what they did. Not one of them has asked for forgiveness. Do they think we didn’t see how much they enjoyed being bullies and totalitarians? I saw them. I still see them. They’re hanging on to wearing those ridiculous masks like it’s life itself.

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I'm going to assume this is a SUNY campus - it really doesn't matter which one, they were all awful. This is why by the time my youngest was looking at colleges NO ONE was looking in the Northeast especially if they were looking at state schools. What you describe is torture! I feel for your daughter! I like to say that 2021 HS grads had it the worst but now I think 2019s did.

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I think 2019's had it worse for the simple reason that they had just matriculated before Covid hit. At least the 2021 cohort had some idea of what they were walking into. Had my daughter been a HS 2021 grad, she never would have considered any school in the NE.

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We fought like hell to keep our son in college. He had covid early. Not one school official wanted to entertain natural immunity. He submitted a request for a religious exemption which was approved with no inquiry. It was a joke. He did the testing each week, was looked down upon by friends and their parents. My husband lost his job, that he was recruited for, at our states largest hospital. We burnt through our savings and looked to move to Florida. But...we made it through and have ZERO REGRETS. My son is so thankful he saw this BS from the other side and learned how to be a critical thinker....and not be a follower.

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Went through basically the same thing with the SUNY college my daughter went to minus the quarantine dorm and the medical issue. She was off campus her Jr year when we submitted a religious exemption. No one she knew who submitted a medical exemption was accepted. She was the only one of her 5 roommates that did not get the jabZ. It was a horrifying and disgusting experience of coercion and discrimination. She too was not allowed in other buildings, in the campus gym or allowed on the required off campus weekend educational class. They made her write a paper while all her roommates went on the overnight only to come back on Sunday and share the apartment. So much for science lol. The nurses office was always booked as she was overwhelmed with sick kids. Only one nurse mind you. And much of the cafeteria staff stayed home so they were in desperate need of workers therefore there was less food. I could go on and on. I will never give SUNY or NYC another red cent. I hate them and will never forgive them for what they did and are continuing to do up in Albany. They do not want parents to have any rights and they want the schools to oversee your child’s health and wellness. Pretty soon they will be making 13 the age of consent. It’s sick and most NYers have no idea what these legislators are doing!

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What an appalling nightmare. It was criminal abuse and insanity. Too bad it happened, but too bad it took so many students and their parents so long to recognize that it was insane abuse, accept sunk costs as sunk, and get the eff out of that loony bin. (Like, um, if he smacks you in the face while you're dating, it's not likely to get better if you marry him.) May those university administrators be held accountable before the law for fraud and malfeasance.

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I will grant that for (not everyone but) almost everyone the covidian policies came as a great surprise, something entirely outside of their experience. I think all of us who have lived through this time can look back now and see that there were some things that, with hindsight, we would have done differently. Still, in this instance, as in so many other instances, the university administrators crossed a line of basic human decency in their policies towards students, and that— that first violation— was the moment to get out of there, and fast because people who would do such a thing will do it again (and again and again, and worse) if they can.

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...and causing bodily harm, and even murder, for forcing the covid DeathVax.

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OMG, this abuse sounds like the worst fiction but yet so close to home. I can not believe the evil that we all endured, and still are enduring. I don't know what else to say. Lucia, your organization is amazing. You are amazing. We must all do what we can to prevent these crimes from continuing, as well as find resilience as we heal the trauma that so many endured for the last 4-5 years. Kudos to you for your work. Marcia x

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Thank you Marcia! I am fairly new to the fight for medical freedom (I started 4 years ago) but you have been at this much longer and are one of my heroes for all the amazing work you have done and the path you have paved for those who come after you. Blessings to you always, Lucia

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Wow, I had no idea you were so new to this world! You seem to have your finger on the pulse of everything AND to be a contestant on Misinformation Squares is quite an honor. I’ve met Steve at several events and have been introduced and even presented him with an award, and he never knows who I am. ;-). You made it to the big-time event. You have done a lot in the last 4 years, and I’m grateful for the impact of you and your amazing work. xo

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This was a nightmare time for those of us who KNEW the shots were doing horrible things to some people. The jab happy world of bandwagon administrators and organizational leaders - little people with "a little power" exercised that power in ways that flagrantly violated human rights.

I had a daughter in college at the time, and to my intense relief it was a school that did not strictly mandate the shots, however the culture amongst the faculty and vast majority of students was exactly as prompted by Biden and agenda promoting media such as CNN - those who did not comply were outcasts, selfish misfits who deserved society's scorn. When NO, this was not the case at all. Some absolutely could not get jabbed without violating their fundamental religious beliefs. Some had refused to be manipulated by fear, had taken the time to wait and observe, discovering in fact that the "safe" shots being thrust at them in fact were harming people at rates never before seen for any medical product. The cruelest twist of all was for administrators and jabbed injection enthusiasts to insist that news of harms was "fake news".


Reading this letter was like reliving my own horrifying employment experience and reliving the distress of trying to guide a daughter who did not fully believe her Dad about the shots and was being urged by her "friends" to get jabbed without telling us.

And now while the majorly clueless jabbed world has long moved on, uncaring denial fully intact, those of us who knew and had seen what can't be unseen are left at the battlefield, trying to help the gravely wounded, who have been cruelly left there by doctors who don't believe them, have mis-diagnosed them, still endorse the clot shots as safe, and refuse to acknowledge what the aware and the injured see and live every single day.

This is a world of hurt, sorrow, loss, and need. More than anything, the need is for our injured and dead to have their wounds acknowledged, and intense universal medical interest in treatment become the fully grounded basis for dealing with those who come to their doctor to say "I've been injured by a COVID shot.". NOT to be told it is in their head and please take anti- anxiety meds, NOT to be told their maladies don't exist because there is nothing to be found in the medical textbooks. Instead to be understood as having suffered a life changing, terribly destructive blow to their health, people who desperately need compassionate help in order to reclaim a small piece of positivity for their remaining time on this earth.

React19 is the one organization in this country trying to help the injured directly and get them to doctors with the courage to buck societal constraints, call this EXACTLY what it is, an affront to health, and research treatments that actually help the injured, giving them hope for a better life. They are the LAST people who should be disregarded, left behind unseen twisting in pain on the battlefield of war against COVID. I hope many will donate, especially those such as college administrators and employers who took a terribly wrong turn by jumping on the merry mandate bandwagon.

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Stupid policy necessitates a stupid response. We produced a fake covid vax card for our child. Problem solved.

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Ah, but we cannot comply our way out of tyranny--or appear to comply. That's a trap for us all.

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Same. It was so easy.

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Here is elephant in room. Your daughter, unless brought up in a Religious environment, has evaded the life altering elixer but has been indoctrinated by the College brainwashing camp. That means (for most) belief in climate and gender dysphoria nonsense. This applies almost without question.

lf I had a kid considering College I would do everything in my power up to an including not paying the tab. If the kids arent physically damaged, or killed, they will be mentally ruined. Besides, most of the kids will be out of work in 5-10 years due to AI. So, the now better paying blue collar jobs or maybe even small biz opportunities are better long term options. Incredibly difficult time to be a loving parent or guardian.

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The red pill can only be taken as a suppository.

My son was thrown out of the Marines. My daughter gave up her plans for college. Everything of college, being masked and jabbed, only lead to jobs where they could make you mask or jab. Neither one of them got to play sports in their last year's of highschool. My son had just made varsity lacrosse and was really looking forward to it. We couldn't go to his graduation in the Marines either.

My sister lost her job as an ICU nurse when she wouldn't take the jab. I took a premature retirement at a sizeable cut in pay because of my age. I wasn't getting jabbed and I was not going to submit to their illogical testing requirements.

None of us regret it. God blessed us. New adventures and new opportunities we didn't see before. I no longer only know the cost of things, I know the value of things. Time, health, family,food and drink. The importance of surrounding yourself with God fearing people.

You will never understand the value of things until you go without. You realize the value of water when the well is dry. You know the value of water when you have to carry what you use. But then like a farmer or rancher, you see the value in all kinds of places you didn't before. You learn what's important. You had the trauma that is the red pill; the suppository.

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Tyrants indeed but little sympathy to the 100s of 1000s of college kids & patents who simply COMPLIED. Imagine being a parent & allowing your child to be sent to a coof gulag. Most definitely a shameful time in our nation's history. If even a SINGLE GROUP [ students, medical professionals, church goers, etc ] had pushed back - things would never have gone the way it did. Sincerely, PA Pureblood

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Why are you withholding the college name may I ask? Protecting them?

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It could have been any east coast school. My child at Georgetown was treated exactly the same. Disgusting.

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Agree, it was everywhere in the NE :(

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I think we need to shout the names of these colleges out loud for all to hear Berkeley dis this to my son also! Parents need to keep their kids out of these universities! If a parent is paying the tuition they need to get very vocal!! I hounded them at the college My son never got another shot after the first one and graduated with his masters even though the policy was in place the whole time!!

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The college is RPI in New York.

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It was the least evidence based period in our history. In July of 2021 the CDC acknowledged that the vaccinated were shedding and spreading the virus as much as the unvaccinated and yet the mandates were rammed through as a way to counter the anti-vaccine movement, nothing more. As an MD and epidemiologist it was embarrassing to watch the stupidity.

I am sorry for your daughter’s experience and the years of student life lost to policies that were not based upon data and that did nothing to change the pandemic outcome.

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Thankful for medical professionals like you, among the apparently few M.D.'s who "get it" or will admit the enormity of what happened. Where I live, a stone's throw from Harvard University, a mile walk to the belly of the beast - Moderna HQ and a gleaming Pfizer tower - one would still be hard pressed to find an M.D. who would openly agree with you.

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