NY Presbyterian internships require updated covid vaccine. It is not required for staff or patients but only College students trying to get hours for applying to medical schools and PA programs. Outrageous!

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This really needs to end; enough is enough!

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Thank you so much for your continued advocacy and reporting.

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Thank you!

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The COVID shots must be taken off the market. They are unsafe and ineffective. Hopefully, RFK will make that a priority!

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Thank you for continuing the fight - your tenacity and knowledge has yielded life-saving results for all of these students. Med school and residency Covid shot requirements are a huge problem, and I am heartened to know you are still leading the charge!

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Thank you!

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Illinois is the worst! RFK Jr and Trump need to stop this craziness. We are losing potential great healthcare candidates when they learn the college doesn’t require it but some clinical partners do. The flu shot requirement was go after that. They make these students do that one too and schools often threaten dismissal from clinical rotations for non compliance. Autonomy is not even an option for these poor students.

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New York is right up there also.

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They gotta go!

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Thanks for all your advocacy for the college students Lucia. I hope we have crimes against humanity trials some day that call these schools to answer for what they did.

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Find another damn school!

This IS about compliance-period!

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Thank you for all you did.

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Yes 100%. IMO these hold outs and medical/nursing programs are on power trips as there is no medical reason for requiring these shots whatsoever.

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The programs are paid by pharmaceutical companies. That’s why students are required risk their lives and faculty members are not.

The students are a never ending stream of revenue. 🤬🤯🤬

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Forcing anyone to take a dangerous experimental injection makes no sense. I don't believe people that are responsible for training nurses and doctors are still doing this. I don't believe these shots are being pushed. This is disturbing, It is not just fascism it is nazism or some type of toltalitarinism. They keep telling us it is a free country. Really? The Nuremburg Code was written to prevent this from happening. The side effects of these shots have been horrific all to prevent something with the mortality of the common cold. Maybe president Trump can do things to make this truly a free country like they keep telling us. Stop the lies don't comply!

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Turns out. You can get tired of winning. Now I'm all for accountability.

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Not only do these colleges and universities require the EUA mRNA Jabs, but they require other ‘vaccinations’ to attend. That are equally as dangerous to one’s health and life. They should abolish mandatory vaccinations of ANY kind, as well as all public schools in the USA!

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We need a lot more college students who are familiar with the great music produced by Pink Floyd. For example, this song and lyrics ...

"We don't need your education;

We don't need your thought control ....

... Hey, teachers, leave those kids alone!"

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Fantastic! Great effort by everyone who volunteered to stop this madness!

I hope it can go into a law signed by Congress.

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I agree. We need to change some laws instead of everything (good and bad) happening by yo-yo-ing "executive orders."

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What a relief. Great work Lucia for everything you've done and are continuing to do! I thought this also included end of masks. Is that correct?

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Believe it or not, masks are still required in some settings especially if you don't take updated C19 and flu shots. As I wrote, more work to be done. Thank you!

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The following article is currently being distributed to Idaho legislators, media, organizations and others. https://doranpeck.substack.com/p/legislators-more-is-required-of-you

It might serve to influence elements of additional state efforts. The article offers something a little bit different than the usual approach. It is my hope that those of you in those circles may find it a useful addition to your existing ideas.

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