They should also investigate the schools finances to see if they got money from Pfizer, Moderna or Astra Zeneca or research funding from any dept of the HHS. FOIA emails too between the schools pharma and HHS.

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Thank you for all your hard work and continued hard work. I have followed you since the beginning and we told our son it was a hard stop with any college that required the "jab" as well as other vaccines. He understood the assignment and thankfully we were able to find a college. I have shared your substack near and far.

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Thank you!

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Two things.

1. You missed spelt Pitzer College. It should be called Pfizer College.

2. While I am sympathetic to the injuries suffered, the students need to fight their own battles. We won't be around to hold their hands forever. Also, these students are from Gen-Z and their numbers are enough to change elections (as we just witnessed). Vietnam Vets forced Nixon to end the war and these were people in their 20s just like a good chunk of Gen-Z is today. If these students of today are ok spouting 'my body, my choice' and not see the irony in that, they are sitting ducks for the next pandemic driven vaccines. They cannot be saved unless they save themselves.

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I cannot like enough your comment. A vast majority of students are indoctrinated and follow mandates like the sheep.

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I could not agree with you more (I have written about this before and I will likely write about it again post election with the hopes it gains more traction). Let me know if you'd like to help write it; I'm always up for collaborations.

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Immunity from lawsuits is vitiated in cases of fraud. Since the Covid vax was marketed as preventing the illness, which it did not, a good lawyer can claim fraud and have lawsuits proceed. If a single school and/or one or more of it's officers got sued, then the mandates at every school would end so fast it would make our heads spin. These people, just like armchair generals, are very quick to sacrifice human pawns as long as they have no skin in the game. Put them under the spotlight and they will fold like a house of cards.

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Legislation like that may cause university administrators to think twice before forcing health choices upon their students, but no amount of money can adequately compensate a young person who has lost their health irreparably.

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Instead of focusing on universities, how about we just get pharma to pay for it. I don't give a shit if they're too big to fail.

Nationalize health care and research (well research is very much govt funded already but pharma gets the kickback).

This public private system is the definition of fascism as there's a profit motive and the profits always go to the owners, especially in the current decades of ultra low corporate and capital gains taxes.

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Wrong. Without the University dictatorship none of the kids would be forced to jab and the Pharma would have nobody to sell their poison too. Why do you want to let off the College elites, so brilliant about all things? They should be punished as much as Pharma because they never ALLOWED questioning of the policy nor fought for the liberty of a liberal education. Liars and cheats all!

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Here's the problem....

They mandated "approved" shots. Obviously the approved versions, corminaty and spikevax don't exist in the USA, so people get the eua instead.

Technically the colleges have been allowed to mandate flu shots etc.... That's their legal protection.

Honestly, we need to wake up judges and other idiots in the courts to realize that Jacobson which supported mandates only allowed for a fine, not the bullshit fascist crap they do today like excluding people from work, school etc...

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What you said is true and that makes it even worse. First, they were allowed to mandate - not forced to - and they did (for Fed money in grants and scholarships, even more obscene). Secondly, they mandated experimental treatments with virtually no normal testing protocols - the testing that was done was horrific for safety and they should have known it. Ignorance is not a defense for civil or criminal convictions if civil or criminal negligence is found - like knowledge of unheard of cases of turbo cancers, myocardia and early deaths among students but sill mandating the kill shots. Guilty!

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As a first step, the tyrannical colleges should be sued into oblivion.

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Thank you for all you are doing to raise the awareness of these mandates. I don't know how this proposed legislation would circumvent the Prep Act. I would like to see legislation aimed at making it illegal for a university to require a student to receive any vaccine that was added to the university's list of required vaccines after the student had matriculated. Millions of students were enrolled in college when Covid hit and didn't have the choice to apply to colleges that weren't requiring the Covid shot. I know of many kids who reluctantly took the shot because they were in their junior or senior year of college when the mandates hit and couldn't afford to transfer schools.

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Thank you very much, Lucia. The bill is a good start however we need to make those officials held liable who created these mandates at each college behind closed doors, never admitting their names to the public even when requested by PIAs. They played with other people's children's lives.

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Thank you for this excellent update. There’s hope for change and it doesn’t come easily or for free. We parents need to be and stay out front, and hopefully soon, our often brainwashed young adult children will follow suit (once they step away from their screens long enough to see reality with their own eyes).

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The virus never existed. It hasn’t been isolated by anyone, anywhere. The whole scam was to allow the demons to inject nanotechnology, graphene oxide, luciferase, modified RNA (not messenger RNA) and a whole host of other egregious toxins into all life forms on earth. I hope to God people don’t fall for it again. A new scamdemic is coming right up.

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First things first then… get rid of the PREP Act.

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Recently, one particular state school is now requiring meningitis vaccines before January 2025. Before they just recommended it. They put holds on students accounts barring them from registering for classes. There are multiple injuries and issues with menigitis b shots and now post 2020 there’s a menigitis a booster requirement so kids get them simultaneously .

Why did healthcare providers never need these shots to work in hospitals ?

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I would say don't be so damn stupid to go to any College in America, or at least, any College in America that wants your life shortened. This goes especially for many of the parents that are partly responsible for their child's reduced life span as they pay the tuition bills and agree to force the killer jabs on their own offspring.

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I am supportive of any action or bill because the political class has been sitting down and doing little with very few exceptions. But this bill seems to fall short. At many California colleges students were dis-enrolled and constantly coerced with the most aggressive marketing plan I have ever seen in a collegiate environment. Nearly everything that hit the email was Covid related. Students felt forced to inject and either did or left for other choices like other schools with no mandates or online learning only or quit…many were stab injured - especially the athletes. I was there and watched in the front row because I am or (was) a full time tenured counselor/professor at San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton California. I was one of few on campus who spoke against an untested poison being forced on the students and staff and got fired for refusing the stab and or testing while working from home. I am the only tenured member of the faculty with this honor. We are in court fighting til death!

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First thank you for all you do. Second, anything that can be done to help the vaccine injured is worth doing. Third, have a listen to Bret Weinstein's latest interview with microbiologist, Kevin McKernan on whether there was indeed fraud or not. I know there is a lot of information out there, a lot of podcasts. The gist is that Pfizer committed fraud because the product for which they received EUA under the Prep Act is NOT the same product that was mandated and given to millions. Basically, a bait and switch was performed. Not an oopsy...but a lab verifiable change that invalidates their PREP ACT coverage. The only question is whether they will ever be held to account. In our current corrupt world definitely not. Will this new administration be able to hold them accountable? It remains to be seen. The problem is that this is NOT just an indictment of Pfizer (and other Pharma players) but an indictment of our government as a willing participant who welcomed, promoted and covered for Pfizer at every step of the way. It is really hard to believe our government and the #1 industry in the world will admit responsibility.

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