THANK YOU! My child and money will never go to a school requiring the jab.

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AMAZING! Wonderful stakeholder! Now the colleges need to start noticing that NOT having a vaccine mandate, will be to their advantage 👏👏 Thank you ☺

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Thank you. Great to see all data in one place.

I have a rising Senior and never though navigating vaccines would be part of the process - especially if your kid "doesn't really care" and doesn't want this to get in the way of going to their top school. I have influenced his list and have been in touch with each school to get clear on their policy and exemption process. I also told him that will not pay tuition if he chooses to Vax (he will be 18). So, he can go where he wants, but on his own dime. Time will tell. He hates needles, has held out - and watched all of his Vax'd and boosted friends and their parents get covid (over and over) - - - but he also hates peer pressure and inconvenience.

These poor kids. Hopefully this house of cards will fall soon. It will take parents (pocketbooks) AND THE KIDS saying NO MORE.

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Would you say the schools you’ve reached out to are firm or flexible with exemptions or lifting the mandate in the near future? I too have a rising senior and this nonsense is really stifling our search.

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They all vary. No school on our list has dropped them (OR, CO). But, as mentioned, I influenced his list to ensure they at least allowed exemptions and a few don't require at all (AZ, ID, MT). His top school (in CO) requires initial series + booster or file for an exemption. My worry is that a school like this will revert back to discriminating against students who have exemptions should a new "wave" appear. My preference would be a school that doesn't require at all (ID, AZ, MT) but those are not top of list. We'll see........it's insane.

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Thank you! This should put the pressure on colleges to return to sanity.

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Kudos to the author! Design is great for easily filtering for non-mandate schools and the link to each schools' policy is a added bonus!

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Bravo and thank you for putting together this wonderful resource of universities and colleges that are not mandating the Covid-19 vaccine.

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Heroic indeed. Thank you so much!

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This is great! Just wish I had this information while my daughter was checking out colleges. I do hope that CA colleges will change. The jab isn't even on the CSULB required vaccination list..hmm, I wonder why? Its not an approve vaccine but they are still pushing the stupid thing! How do we change this? Can someone please tell me what I can do to help get this changed?? Thank you for all your hard work!!

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Thank you. How can we add to this database?

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Thank you for your hard works. I have noticed that Rice University doesn't require shots, but I could not find information in their website to confirm that.

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Just reviewing this list again. Most universities in red states don't require the jabs and most in the blue states do. Clearly that means the shots must be safer and more effective in the blue states...

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There really are angels out there! Thank you, thank you for this hard work!

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University of Western Ontario is mandating a booster. Just announced today.


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great job

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Appreciate this sooooo much. Thank you.

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Appreciate this sooooo much. Thank you.

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