Spot on. All of this censorship has roots in the 2006 Duke Lacrosse Scandal. Remember the hysteria and censorship playbook of the media, academia, and injustice system: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/duke-lacrosse-scandal-nifong-msm-groupof88

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I call it Treadstone. The only subject you need a perfect score in Canada to stay in school.

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Jan 8Liked by No College Mandates

Big Pharma was the big winner. A college president has a legitimate excuse In not being medically informed. Same with the administration. So, they took what they figured was a safe guess that big pharma must have been correct in saying their vaccine was safe, and effective. After all, they were “ the experts, “ Were they not?

Had any of these folks bothered to dig a little, they could have easily uncovered articles by distinguished physicians and loads of evidence to the contrary.

They made a common mistake of making assumptions about something they knew nothing about.

And they are continuing to blunder down that path.

To continue to use language about the vaccines that are worded by the university in a way that constitutes an endorsement of these toxic shots, opens the universities to legal and financial responsibility to students and their injuries and deaths.

Why not have the top administrators sit down and listen to what they haven’t heard about the vaccines? It’s lazy, sloppy, and reckless, not to check and double check all their assumptions. They’re the ones so concerned about student safety?

The students in charge of inviting speakers to the university should sign up people to talk about risks.

I remember seeing Ralph Nader at a College in the 70s. He had a big crowd. Ran down a lot of big businesses. Great evening!

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Jan 8·edited Jan 8

Censorship is all a huge part of the Bernays-ian Propaganda campaign and has been for a century.

Censorship squelches truth which is why we are where we are today, awash in an entire establishment based upon lies, lies that lay the foundation for further lies, and so on, indefinitely.

As Orwell has said, "he who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past."

Take the so-called Holocaust for example, controlling that narrative feeds directly into so many others. But the notion that 6 Million died isn't even mathematically possible since there were nowhere even close to 6M around to be killed, much less over 5M so-called "Survivors."

So how someone takes around 2M, subtracts 6M, and ends up with 5M is ridiculous. Yet, it continues to be a false narrative that's propped up by even people claiming to be "awake." But to speak against it is Verboten in society, ... aka Censorship.

Books could be written on both that topic and that of censorship, much more the relationship between them, etc.

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My complaints to the university senate about the vax mandate were silenced immediately.

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Jan 9Liked by No College Mandates

Excellent essay. Thank you.

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