What is it with Maskachussetts? Harvard, Wellesley, Tufts all insane.

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Massachusetts has gender ideology colleges. All of its women's colleges accept male to female transgenders, while rejecting normal men. The Seven Sisters should be called the Seven Misters. https://open.substack.com/pub/justingaffneysamuels/p/the-seven-sisters-colleges-really?r=6512g&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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NJ too!

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For any Canadian students out there join us https://www.studentsagainstmandates.ca

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As a parent of college student I’ve written so many letters to so many individuals at the college and health Dept level. So frustrating.

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Yup. So many letters as well. They don’t care. It’s been a surreal 2.5 years. I feel like we’re living among zombies, with zero emotion, zero recalcitrance, and zero apologies. Exhausting and maddening.

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Yup totally agree and have felt totally alone as the zombies just went along to get along. I’ve researched and researched and read hundreds if not thousands of reports and data and not one college admin responded to my emails and letters. I even learned that the American College Health Association (ACHA) considers themselves the experts on college health. They promote ALL jabs and do not want anyone to get exemptions. They are heavily financed by the CeeDeeCee and big faRMa and the parents and students have no idea. They are totally left winG and have left winG agendas that they teach their members through workshops etc. Their members are college nurses, professors, therapists etc from public and private schools around the country that use pronouns etc. I’ve written to them as well. I’ve told my daughter she can go to school online but she refused. Thank goodness we were able to get an exemption but I’m still angry at the school and everyone else who has their head in the sand about what’s going on.

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I have a HS senior navigating not only where she wants to attend but what universities are still clinging to vaccination mandates. We are in Ohio so fortunately some schools on her list don't have vaccine requirements (at least not right now) but some still require the initial vaccinations (laughable). We did attend a presentation for Ohio State's sciences majors and they shared that 28% of their funding comes from NIH ... if this is the case it's absolutely driven by funding, not health. And while they do require the initial series it's buried on their website... you have to dig and dig to find this information. Not to mention all the Q&As about vaccines are at least 18 months old. They do not care, it's absolutely mandates driven by zombies.

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